As I put in my initial email, the key is the -o option "ProxyCommand"

and search for it, there is even a similar example included.


On 16 Feb 2009, at 17:28, Tony Berth wrote:

The order is the following:

A(ssh client) - C(http proxy server) - <Internet> - B(ssh server with static

Now A can't access the Internet. I can only run a browser on that machine which includes the details from C and only then I can surf/have access to
the Internet only on ports 80 and 443!

As a result ssh from A to B doesn't work.

If I use putty on A and define the details of C in the putty proxy dialog
box, I can open a ssh session to B.

So the question is, how does this action of putty gets translated into an ssh command? Which flag should I use from the ssh command line in order to
achieve the same result?



On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Pete Vickers <> wrote:

Hmm, I can't grok you problem description, since it's ambiguous.

there are serveral devices here:

A. ssh client
B. ssh server
C. http(s) proxy server
D. http(s) proxy client (web browser)

I thought you mean A+D were one device, C was an interim device, and B
was the remote device.

Do you instead mean A+C are the same device ? or that B+C are the same
device ?

B+C on the same device seems to make the most sense, I guess. - eg.
you want the tunnel your http sessions over your ssh sessions, and use a proxy server (e.g. squid) on your ssh server device. in which case a
line like this in the relevant line in your client's "~/.ssh/config"
would do it:

LocalForward 8080

and then set your web browser to use a proxy at


On 13 Feb 2009, at 13:45, Tony Berth wrote:

Hi Pete,

by "http proxy" you mean your proxy sitting in your machine where
you do the ssh to?

In my case I want to include the proxy which allows Internet access
sitting on the clients terminal and not in the remore machine.



On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Pete Vickers <>

If your just trying to do an SSH connect via a http proxy, then I do
something like this:

[p...@air] ~> cat  ~/.ssh/


CMD="CONNECT $1:$2 HTTP/1.0"
echo "yyy${CMD}yyy" >&2

(echo "$CMD$LF"
cat ) |
nc proxy_server_ip_address 8080 | (
while read L && [ ! -z "${L%$LF}" ]; do echo "xxx${L%$LF}xxx" >&2;
cat )

[p...@air] ~> cat  ~/.ssh/config
Host my-server-via-proxy
ProxyCommand ~/.ssh/ %h %p
TCPKeepAlive yes
ServerAliveInterval 30

and then just
[p...@air] ~> ssh my-server-via-proxy
to connect

but be aware it only works if the proxy admin has not restricted the
proxy to prevent CONNECT method to ports other than 443.


On 13 Feb 2009, at 12:34, Tony Berth wrote:

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:16 PM, Diana Eichert <>

On Wed, 11 Feb 2009, Tony Berth wrote:

Hi Diana,

this is a 'dumb' proxy and allows http/https traffic only. So ports
80 and

What I'm after is the ssh command I have to issue in order to open a
connection from 'a1' to 'a3'! If I read correctly, in case I would
putty on 'a1' I should do the following:

I was wondering if ssh flag '-L' is doing the same job.

By 'httptunnel' you mean the following:



httptunnel nows refers to more than one software project to tunnel tcp
traffic via an http proxy.

take a look at SSH(1) -C
and   SSH_CONFIG(5)   LocalCommand

if I'm reading correctly, ssh -C requests compression of the data and
ssh_config LocalCommand specifies a command AFTER I was able to make

Sorry, but I don't understand how this 2 things are related to my

The proxy is blocking me before any connection can be stablished. I
want to
include the data of that proxy in my ssh command in order to make the
connection but how can I achieve that?

Thanks for your help


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