On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 10:35:00 -0400 (EDT) Daniel Barowy
<m...@barowy.net> wrote:

>    I just reinstalled the MacOS on the machine (10.5), and that runs
> OK. I haven't tried any other OSes, but I suppose I could.
>    Anyway, here's my dmesg.  Anyone have any suggestions, or things I
> could try to get some kind of debug info back?

As time allows I've recently been working on getting OpenBSD running on
an (unsupported) PowerMacintosh G3 Beige in spite of it's infamously
buggy firmware. I am not real familiar with apple product names and
nicknames, so your description of "G4 Sawtooth" doesn't mentally
register. None the less, it is still one of the older "new-world" macs
(i.e. "new-world" == G4 or better).

The fact you've had MacOS 10.5 on there means you've had the Apple BootX
(i.e. the BootX part of Darwin, not the "BootX" of linux) do it's
firmware patching magic to your NVRAM. Yes, OpenFirmware can be patched
and this is done by saving the patches (written in Forth) into the NVRAM
of the system. 

There are two ways that Apple does it's magic firmware patching; (1)
using the BootX part of Darwin, and (2) an application for MacOS 9.x
and earlier called "System Disk."

Swapping hard drives or disk controllers would have no effect on what,
if any, patches were stored in your NVRAM. The only way to get rid of
the patches is by doing a "Parameter RAM" (PRAM) reset via Opt-Cmd-P-R
on boot. Booting into MacOS is known to re-patch the firmware, but I'm
unsure of the exact MacOS versions that do this.

Needless to say, getting an operating system to play nice with firmware
that is in an unknown patch state is a major pain in the ass. The first
thing you should try is getting the OpenBSD 4.5-current ISO since your
issue may have been fixed since 4.4-Release was completed in Sep 08.

# ftp ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/macppc/install45.iso
# cdio tao install45.iso

If you're unable to install with the current ISO, you can try resetting
your PRAM via Opt-Cmd-P-R and see if you have any better luck with the
mystery firmware patches removed.

Since you're OpenFirmware has a working ELF loader, it's at least
version 3.0 or better. If your system has OpenFirmware version 3.0 you
need to be very careful when messing with the firmware settings. Due a
bug in these systems, it is possible to actually over-write the firmware
itself, resulting in a serious mess.

J.C. Roberts

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