> There in Europe, there are a lot of OpenBSD users who don't like the
> way you handle this conflict.

so what are the users going to do?  complain at me, so that I stop
working on openbsd?  is that going to help?  Richard, as a user, do
you really not know your place?

> We don't like how you can instantly punish Wim *a honest guy who made
> a lot of work, efforts and spent a lot of time for the OpenBSD project*
> without asking third party persons to inquiry before taking alone such
> actions. (eg. shamming him and put it outside of the project).


The effort to force Wim to get caught up started around 3 years ago,
when it was realised that his balance of payments towards the project
from CD sales (via the computer shop) was years behind in.

> You told that this guy have stolen the money of OpenBSD donations to
> become rich, this is totally false and insane to say that !!!

what should I say?  Should I say everything is fine?

> Could you give more details to the public about the merchandise that
> were paid and non-paid by Wim's company KD85.com BVBA before shamming
> Wim publicly?

    1 - we have never seen a cent from tshirts sold in europe
    2 - we have never seen a cent from the posters sold in europe
    3 - we have never seen a cent from the plush dolls sold in europe

Furthermore, we know that he fell way behind paying the proceeds from
CD sales.

> Also, could you make a publically available account report which show
> of how you manage the money you get from the donations of past years
> (various expenses, hardware, events, money used to pay developers,
> money used to pay YOURSELF, ...) ?

I spend the donation money on hackathons and flights for the poorer
developers to these hackathons, on hardware, and in the past it also
paid for the electricity and the network links.  Increasingly we are
finding other ways to handle that.

Developers don't get paid to do things; they do it for free.

I get paid a salary out of cd sales, i do *not* out of donations.
When CD sales money from europe don't get paid, I don't get paid.

I will make no further accounting of it, since I don't need to.  The
donations were gifts, and I spent them very well on the purpose they
are intended for, and perhaps you better look back at more than 10
years of OpenBSD to realize it.

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