On Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 12:07:37PM +0200, Dirk Mast wrote:
> > there are now at most 2 choices.  analog or digital.  and yes, there
> > are some codecs that only do analog and some that only to digital.
> Yeah, that makes it more complicated. 
> Is the following if-construction too vague?
> if (dacs.ngroups = 1) {
>         -- create the normal inputs.usingdac as it's done now
>         -- we don't care if it's analog or digital

actually in this case we don't create any knob, since it wouldn't
do anything.

> elsif (dacs.ngroups = 2) {
>         -- create a knob outputs.spdif (or something similar)
>         -- problem is how to wire it:
>         -- clean choice would of course to check the i/o pins
>         -- maybe some other rules would apply?
>         -- like first dac is always analog and second one digital?
>         -- or maybe the longer dac group is analog and the shorter digital?
>         -- I doubt there are azalia devices with more digital sections
>         -- than analog sections
> }
> Personally I think reading the i/o pins would be much safer,
> but if it's really the case that those upper assumptions are 
> always right, perhaps that would be another solution.

I haven't yet seen multiple digital output transmitters in a single
codec.  but that doesn't mean there aren't/won't be such codecs, though.

> (Otherwise this could bring big problems if there would be a
> non-"standard" azalia device sometimes...)

heh.  they all follow the standard, which allows many things.

probably the best would be something more like:

$ mixerctl -v outputs.mode
outputs.mode=analog  [ analog digital ]

the problem with checking i/o pins and/or using 'spdif' is that there
may be both hdmi and s/pdif connections.  this control only affects
which "dac group" is currently being used.  it really has nothing to
do with the i/o pins.

> Note: I can't code C this is why I try to describe my thoughts..
> >> I think another way would be if azalia could sense a plugged cable,
> >> like it can do with headphones, that signal could then be used to
> >> toggle on/off.
> > 
> > jack sense capability isn't a mandatory feature, so it's not a
> > reliable method.
> > 
> Ok.

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