On Sun, 25 Oct 2009 00:44:46 +0800 (CST)
shweg...@gmail.com wrote:

> On Sat, 24 Oct 2009, Robert wrote:
> > The X200 uses ACPI.
> > ACPI suspend is still work in progress afaik.
> > Last thing i read about it is that suspend kind of works in some
> > cases, but the resume part doesn't...
> >
> > The X30 is an APM system, so that doesn't realy work for the X200.
> >
> > I don't miss suspend/hybernate support on my X200 -
> > iirc Theo and some other dev are using 40-series Thinkpads which
> > use APM, so they have working suspend.
> >
> > If i missed the crucial acpi-suspend-works commit, i'd be glad to be
> > corrected.
> >
> > - Robert
> >
> well well,
> I remember this kind of answer last time I asked.
> Actually, I ended up not missing it either, it shuts down in a few 
> seconds, and booting is 
> also quite fast.
> I'll just leave it as it is. I just had a look these days 
> since I'm going to upgrade to 4.6, so I could have done some
> partitioning and a fresh install if it worked.
> Thanks to all.

If you want to partition for the day suspend on acpi is supported
and if that will work like apm suspend you could reserve a primary
partiton for suspend-to-disk. with apm one has to have a type 16
partiton with enough space to fit the ram contents.

- Robert

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