On Nov 08 09:50:19, Jan Stary wrote:
> On Nov 07 19:21:07, srikant....@gmail.com wrote:
> > Jan Stary wrote:
> > > cat /var/db/pkg/$PACKAGE/+REQUIRING | xargs pkg_info -s
> > 
> > Thats just the first level of dependencies. What about the
> > dependencies of the dependencies, and so on? It is a tree
> > structure. Recursion is needed if you want to know the
> > 'real collateral damage' :)
> Ah, recursively. Sorry.
> #!/bin/sh
> test $# -gt 0 || {
>       echo usage: $0 package >&2
>       exit 1
> }
> pkg=`pkg_info -I $1 2>/dev/null | awk '{print$1}'`
> test -n "$pkg" || {
>       echo package $1 not recognized >&2
>       exit 1
> }
> dir=/var/db/pkg/$pkg
> test -d "$dir" || {
>       echo $dir does not exist >&2
>       exit 1
> }
> {
> echo $pkg
> cat $dir/+REQUIRING 2>/dev/null | xargs -r -n1 $0
> } | sort -u
> This lists the dependencies recursively
> - just pipe the output through 'pkg_info -s'.
> (Damn, I like the "| xargs $0" bit a lot.)
> Am I reading pkg_info(1) wrong, or is there really
> not a trivial way to list the recursive dependencies
> of a given package (the opposite of -R) in pkg_info
> itself?

No really, what is the right way to recursively list the
dependencies of a given package? pkg_info doesn't seem to
do that natively (and the above attempt only works for
installed packages indeed). Is that a design decision,
say becuase of ambiguous dependencies?


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