On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 11:50 AM, Marco Peereboom <sl...@peereboom.us> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 09, 2009 at 11:38:28AM -0500, Donald Allen wrote:
>> My understanding is that OpenBSD still employs the Giant Lock approach
>> to SMP, serializing access to kernel services. Is this still true? If
> yes
>> it is, do Theo and the other kernel developers consider it a priority
>> to improve this?
> sure
>> (I am NOT complaining. I completely understand that OpenBSD is a labor
>> of love and that development resources are limited and that doing SMP
>> right isn't easy. I'm simply trying to get an idea of whether this is
>> likely to be addressed in the near future or not.)
> depends on your definition of near future.

Sure, I could have phrased it better, because I'm not looking for a
date, just more of a qualitative reading on whether the key people
cared about this or not.


  It will be done when it will
> be done.

>> /Don Allen

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