Sorry, my mistake in wording.  I am indeed wanting to
follow -stable here. Replace all my uses of 'world'
below with 'build' and the same questions apply.
I was following
which appears to be a superset of the link you sent.

Ron McDowell
San Antonio TX

Tomas Bodzar wrote:
What are you trying to accomplish?

If you want to follow -stable then use this  (no make world anywhere in text).
If you want your own kernel then it's not supported. You can do that,
but you are on your own. Still -current or snapshots are best way with
OpenBSD because of its stability and good job of developers.

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 6:00 AM, Ron McDowell <> wrote:
I'm relatively new to OpenBSD but have been working with FreeBSD for 15+
years and AT&T/USL before that.

I have installed OpenBSD i386 v4.6 via a boot floppy and ftp. Installed the
src and sys tarballs.
Rebuilt the kernel, reboot, build World, reboot.
cvs -d up -rOPENBSD_4_6 -Pd
rebuilt kernel, reboot.
all good to this point.
make build fails with a ton of errors in the krb tree.

I'm not as worried about the actual error...I'm sure it'll be fixed
soon and I'll rebuild in a day or two...but I'm concerned about the current
state of the system, and what 'make world' actually does.

Does 'make world' build and install in subdirectories or does it build
everything first, then install everything?
Is there a way to separately build everything, then install it all? B That
way I'd know that all's well before actually committing to my tree.


Ron McDowell
San Antonio TX

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