
Sorry for the non-threaded reply - I am following the digests...

> On 3/8/2010 12:11 AM, bofh wrote:
> > Is there *ANY* good virtualization software out there? 
> > I don't care what OS
> > it needs to host it (preferably not windows :)) - my needs are 
> > simple (home use):
> I haven't really tried out Xen or qemu, but it seems ESXi should
> at least be adequate for the job, despite my earlier 
> "enterprisey" comments.  Personally, I think I'd put Solaris 
> on a second box and mount it via NFS, probably using a 
> dedicated NIC, and use that as a cheap SAN. 
> OpenBSD works well under ESX, I'd expect it to work well
> under ESXi too.
OpenBSD4.4 works great under vmware server 2.0.2, but OpenBSD4.6 not really. As 
an example, the kernel compile time went from roughly 15 mins to more than 2 
hours. Certain task just seems 'slow' or kind of. The sysbench thread benchmark 
takes like 10 times wthat it should... Couldn't find out any probable cause.
Seems vmware server having a problem or bug or not being optimised for it. 
Tried different configs and setting (vmware and opensbd, 32 / 64 bits, ...), 
but with no real positive result.
So I would say forget vmware server. As this seems not (based on) the same 
vitualisation sw as esx(i), this might not count.
The Fusion (Mac vmware) is working great again, though.


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