On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 10:52:36 -0400
Donald Allen <donaldcal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Donald Allen wrote:
> > After getting subjected to some of this nonsense personally, having
> > asked a question on openbsd-tech (and was in the midst of a useful
> > exchange with Bob Beck until it was interrupted out of the blue by
> > someone who apparently enjoys behaving like an unruly 10-year-old; it
> > had nothing to do with reading or not reading documentation), I'd had
> > enough of the general tone of this group and stopped using OpenBSD
> You stopped using an OS just because someone offended you on a mailing
> list?  Oh, shi~  How old are you?  Nine?
>                                       Stas
> Thanks for the compliment, but I'm a *lot* older than nine.
> I was tempted to respond to your message with a simple Q.E.D., but
> I'll try to help you by explaining further.
> First of all, the incident I described was the last straw in an
> accumulation of discomfort about the behavior of this community.
> Secondly, I don't feel right about
> benefiting from the work of open-source developers without
> contributing financially to their projects. This incident pushed me
> over the "I'm not giving people like this any more money" threshold.
> Having decided this, I had no choice but to stop using the system. I
> was already using Slackware on a 4-core workstation I use as a
> database server, after learning about OpenBSD's rudimentary SMP
> support (Big Lock) and issues with large physical memories, making it
> unsuitable for this system, so it was a simple matter to replace my
> OpenBSD installs with Slackware. Same environment -- no desktop, just
> a window manager (dwm). Very nice, stable distribution, and online
> communities where you can get legitimate questions discussed and that
> you wouldn't mind having your mother read.
> /Don Allen

So, um, this sounds like a done thing.  You've got a server that 
is presently outside OpenBSD's capabilities and it does run a Red Hat
knock off.  

So run Red Hat.  From the sounds of your installation you should 
consider a support contract, too.


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