On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 02:28:47PM -0700, Jeremy Evans wrote:
> After I upgraded to OpenBSD 4.7, my dual head configuration stopped
> working on my Radeon HD 2600 PRO.  This has been working for about a
> year and a half with no problems since I got the video card.
> I tried various xrandr incantations to get it to work, but no luck.  If
> I get the left monitor to work, the right monitor turns off, and vice
> versa.  By default, with the xorg.conf including below, the right
> monitor displays output.  With the following commands, I can make the
> left monitor display output, but then the right monitor turns off:
>   xrandr --output DVI-1 --mode 1600x1200
>   xrandr --output DVI-1 --auto
> Both commands are needed, as with just the second, there is no change.
> If I run a command such as:
>   xrandr --output DVI-0 --mode 800x600
> The left monitor stops displaying, and the right monitor starts
> displaying.  In both cases, xrandr shows both monitors as displaying,
> and I can move the mouse off one monitor to where the other monitor
> would be.
> From CVS, it looks like the reason is that OpenBSD 4.4-4.6 uses
> xf86-video-ati 6.9.0, and OpenBSD 4.7 uses 6.12.2.
> I know new video drivers are often tried in snapshots for a few weeks
> before being committed to CVS.  Any chance that current snapshots
> contain an updated version of xf86-video-ati?
> Any other advice about things to try to get the dual head configuration
> working?

Oh bloody wonderful.

I hate it when they do that.

I am currently chasing a bug in radeon 6.13.0 involving zaphod mode, but
after that we'll try and get that as the default.

I can mail you offlist with a tarball of what we have so far, if you

Fights between cats and dogs are prohibited by statute in Barber, North

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