Joachim Schipper <joachim <at>> writes:

> Just untarring the release should work, but it's still odd. At least > the md5sum of pfctl matches what I just downloaded, so that seems
> fine; did you actually use *that* tarball, though? (Note that the
> "right" pfctl binary is 500856 bytes long.)
> Are you sure that you upgraded the right disk?


When I untar the files (I have them locally on a webserver:
all files come out perfectly well, as above. I did the upgrades using this URL; I am sure it were these files, because they only exist once locally (the speed with which the updates were done is proof that I used these local resources, downloaded by myself). In the Upgrade procedure I only added the (internal) IP for that server, accepting all else. And it can't be 4.6 that I used, kind of, because the installed (upgraded) kernel is 4.7. I need to repeat, this is a remote production machine with serial access. I have no desire ever to do anything not along clear procedures, and I followed the Upgrade Guide 4.6->4.7 meticulously (system administration is part of my job description), even ticking off point after point on the printout of the upgrade guide. So something was done to the files, at least they have the new time stamp, and some files have actually been installed correctly (kernels); as the hashsums show. So, finally, I *was* in the right directory and installed to the correct disk.
Here are the kernels, on the first machine, that has seemingly the
previous 'base' throughout:
# cksum -a sha256 bsd
SHA256 (bsd) = e2af09ed48d1d94bec27aa4c18ffa6172d8435a190c3abecae53d26940ed9536
# cksum -a sha256 bsd.sp
SHA256 (bsd.sp) = a34175b766d6ea9cefcc0903efa51c4dc3d87018b1e2f85c2333133ed25e9ff4

Now I wonder if the problem was with the untar? Maybe all sets have not been installed properly? Next, I will have to identify for each and every set, a sample file, and check if it is the previous one or the recent one.

Very, very strange ...

Thanks so much, you did actually help me a step further,


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