On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Damien Miller <d...@mindrot.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Aug 2010, Mihai Popescu B.S. wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have read the undeadly.org article about how to "play" with airport
>> security. I don't know who is the guy acting like this on an airport,
>> but my brain triggered something I read in the past, about a well
>> known guy from open source who was throw out from an airplane by the
>> security team.
>> Just my thought, maybe not related to misc ... but I think this story
>> is not in the line of good old undeadly.
> What? I think you are blaming the victim here. The perpetrators are the
> pinheads who think laptops are dangerous goods and people who carry
> more than one are probable terrorists.

That's it! You've just bought yourself "random passenger" status.
Enjoy your cavity search.


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