On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 06:55:20AM -0800, James Hozier wrote:
> So, as a newbie with no knowledge in programming at all whatsoever and
> wanting to learn C, I bought K&R's The C Programming Language (2nd
> edition) as per the suggestion on the OpenBSD website. I read the
> disclaimers in the intro of the book, and read on anyway. But the book
> seems to move very fast and does not elaborate too much on the
> features of the language, I guess due to the book not being
> total-noob-friendly. I can barely follow along and get what's going
> on, but have no idea what the terminologies and phrases being used in
> the book mean since the book assumes the reader knows basic
> programming such as arrays and stuff like that.
> Are there any books that are more noob-friendly that want to learn C
> as their first language and explain basic programming terms along the
> way?

If you go to the book store or Amazon, look at the page counts on books
to learn computer languages. Many of them are huge. They give you lots
and lots of words so that you don't have to think very much and get your
information in tons of very small doses.

On the other hand, K&R gives you concentrated goodness. But you will
have to approach it differently. If you read something and don't
understand it completely, stop and think about it. Then reread that part
again and think some more until you do understand. *Carefully* read the
code they show until you understand it. *Really* try the exercises (I
mean it). If you're not used to doing this it will be difficult, but it
will be worth it. If you can do this you will have a better grasp of C
than some professionals. If you give up and get the 800 page book you
will finish it and still not know important things about C and

But you do not have to read only 1 book. So maybe some of the books
others have recommended will help, but still keep K&R.

Also see http://www.highercomputingforeveryone.com/ for free online
material for beginners.

You've been warned.

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