On Sat, Sep 01, 2018 at 11:59:20AM -0400, Matt Schwartz wrote:
> I am afraid that I am hopelessly confused on the userbase parameter.
> If I were to have the following:
> # credentials
> user1      <encrypted_password_goes_here>
> # userinfo
> # vmail user is 2000
> user1      2000:2000:/var/vmail/user1
> # virtuals
> us...@domain1.com      vmail
> [...]
> In theory, shouldn't this deliver email addressed to us...@domain1.com
> to /var/vmail/user1/Maildir/new?

you got the configuration file wrong again, despite having it right with
the comment itself:

> # vmail user is 2000
> user1      2000:2000:/var/vmail/user1

I'll describe how things work in this mail so it serves as reference for
future questions regarding aliases, virtual and userbase:

Aliases and virtuals are mutually exclusive features that operate at the
same level, converting an e-mail address into a local user.

Userbases operate at a lower level, allowing to lookup system details of
a local user such as uid, gid and home directory.

You don't have to have aliases or virtuals, but you MUST have a userbase
which defaults to the system user database when you don't specify one.

Aliases and virtuals can be seen as functions that take an e-mail as the
input and produce usernames that _MUST_ exist in the underlying userbase
as the output, otherwise the recipient will be rejected.

The difference between aliases and virtuals is subtle but simple:

- aliases assume that all users on the system are allowed to get e-mails
  and that the user-part of recipient e-mail addresses are the usernames
  on the system. the mechanism allows you to provide an OPTIONAL list of
  transformations in case some recipients have user-parts that are not a
  system user, and it assumes that if no alias is found, then user-parts
  must be looked up as real usernames.

- virtuals assume that users are NOT allowed to get e-mails, unless they
  are EXPLICITELY allowed on a list. either a transform is found and the
  recipient is converted into a username, or the recipient is rejected.

You can receive e-mail if you're not in the aliases list, if you have an
account on the system with a username matching the user-part.

You can't receive e-mail if you're not in the virtuals list, EVEN if you
have an account matching the user-part.

Now with that being said, converting a recipient into a username doesn't
help us much if that username doesn't exist for real. We need a uid, gid
and a home directory, so no matter if you used aliases, virtuals or none
of them, the username behind a recipient must be found in the user base.

If I take your example:

> # vmail user is 2000
> user1      2000:2000:/var/vmail/user1
> # virtuals
> us...@domain1.com      vmail

you have resolved us...@domain1.com into the user 'vmail'.
then we lookup the user 'vmail' in the userbase and ... nope, not found.

Hope it clears it for everyone.

Gilles Chehade

https://www.poolp.org                                          @poolpOrg

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