
Here is my current configuration (only the relevant parts):

pki foo.bp99.eu cert "/etc/ssl/foo.bp99.eu.crt"
pki foo.bp99.eu key "/etc/ssl/private/foo.bp99.eu.key"

table domains { foo.bp99.eu }
table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases
table passwd passwd:/etc/mail/passwd
table virtuals file:/etc/mail/virtual

listen on all tls pki foo.bp99.eu
listen on all port submission tls-require pki foo.bp99.eu \
    auth <passwd>

action "local" mbox alias <aliases>
action "domain" \
    maildir "/var/vmail/%{dest.domain}/%{dest.user:lowercase|strip}" \
    virtual <virtuals>
action "relay" relay helo foo.bp99.eu

match from any for domain <domains> action "domain"
match from local for local action "local"
match from any auth for any action "relay"


abuse           bp99
hostmaster      bp99
postmaster      bp99
webmaster       bp99

bp99            vmail
bertalan.peter  bp99

My problem is that emails sent to eg <bp99+some...@foo.bp99.eu> are not
delivered to <b...@foo.bp99.eu>, but go into the maildir

Could you tell me what is wrong with my setup? I find all these tables
mildly confusing. I can’t even find a mention of any
`passwd:/path/to/file' in smtpd.conf(5). I found that on Vultr
I think I need this nonstandard (?) credentials file so that I can point
Dovecot to the same file for webmail authentication.

Thank you very much for your help in advance

Bertalan Z. Péter <bertalan.pe...@bertalanp99.eu>
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