I think my setup is flawed already because a simple virtual alias does
not work either.

With my current virtual table and config, this happens when I send mail
to <bertalan.pe...@foo.bp99.eu>:

89aacccc897be4ac smtp connected address= 
debug: looking up pki "foo.bp99.eu"
debug: session_start_ssl: switching to SSL
debug: pony: rsae_priv_enc
89aacccc897be4ac smtp tls ciphers=TLSv1.3:AEAD-AES256-GCM-SHA384:256
smtp: 0x3c356154000: smtp_cert_verify_cb: no-client-cert
debug: smtp: SIZE in MAIL FROM command
expand: 0xf3c01183018: expand_insert() called for 
address:bertalan.pe...@foo.bp99.eu[parent=0x0, rule=0x0]
expand: 0xf3c01183018: inserted node 0xf3b381c0800
expand: lka_expand: address: bertalan.pe...@foo.bp99.eu [depth=0]
lookup: match "" as NETADDR in table static:<anyhost> -> true
expand: lka_expand: address: bertalan.pe...@foo.bp99.eu [depth=0] [0/1788]
lookup: match "" as NETADDR in table static:<anyhost> -> true
lookup: match "foo.bp99.eu" as DOMAIN in table static:domains -> true
rule #1 matched: match from any for domain domains action domain
lookup: lookup "bertalan.pe...@foo.bp99.eu" as ALIAS in table static:virtuals 
-> none
lookup: lookup "bertalan.peter" as ALIAS in table static:virtuals -> "bp99"
expand: 0xf3b3d6a6000: expand_insert() called for username:bp99[parent=0x0, 
expand: 0xf3b3d6a6000: inserted node 0xf3b381bf800
expand: 0xf3c01183018: expand_insert() called for 
username:bp99[parent=0xf3b381c0800, rule=0xf3bd11d8a80, 
expand: 0xf3c01183018: inserted node 0xf3b381bf000
expand: 0xf3b3d6a6000: clearing expand tree
expand: 0xf3b3d6a6000: freeing expand tree
debug: aliases_virtual_get: 'bertalan.peter' resolved to 1 nodes
expand: lka_expand: username: bp99 [depth=1, sameuser=0]
lookup: lookup "bp99@" as ALIAS in table static:virtuals -> none
lookup: lookup "bp99" as ALIAS in table static:virtuals -> "vmail"
expand: 0xf3b3d6a6740: expand_insert() called for username:vmail[parent=0x0, 
expand: 0xf3b3d6a6740: inserted node 0xf3bec823000
expand: 0xf3c01183018: expand_insert() called for 
username:vmail[parent=0xf3b381bf000, rule=0xf3bd11d8a80, 
expand: 0xf3c01183018: inserted node 0xf3b381bf800
expand: 0xf3b3d6a6740: clearing expand tree
expand: 0xf3b3d6a6740: freeing expand tree
debug: aliases_virtual_get: 'bp99' resolved to 1 nodes
expand: lka_expand: username: vmail [depth=2, sameuser=0]
lookup: lookup "vmail@" as ALIAS in table static:virtuals -> none
lookup: lookup "vmail" as ALIAS in table static:virtuals -> none
lookup: lookup "vmail" as USERINFO in table getpwnam:<getpwnam> -> 
expand: no .forward for user vmail, just deliver
expand: 0xf3c01183018: clearing expand tree
smtp: 0x3c356154000: fd 15 from queue
smtp: 0x3c356154000: message fd 15
smtp: 0x3c356154000: message begin
debug: 0x3c356154000: end of message, error=0 89aacccc897be4ac smtp message 
msgid=a8c64add size=2395 nrcpt=1 proto=ESMTP
debug: scheduler: evp:a8c64add5dd68743 scheduled (mda)
89aacccc897be4ac smtp envelope evpid=a8c64add5dd68743 from=<b...@bp99.eu> 
mda: new user 89aacccd047a1572 for "<getpwnam>:vmail"
debug: lka: userinfo <getpwnam>:vmail
lookup: lookup "vmail" as USERINFO in table getpwnam:<getpwnam> -> 
debug: mda: new session 89aaccce2ce3e528 for user "<getpwnam>:vmail" evpid 
debug: mda: no more envelope for "<getpwnam>:vmail"
debug: mda: got message fd 15 for session 89aaccce2ce3e528 evpid 
debug: mda: querying mda fd for session 89aaccce2ce3e528 evpid a8c64add5dd68743
debug: smtpd: forking mda for session 89aaccce2ce3e528: vmail as vmail
debug: mda: got mda fd 16 for session 89aaccce2ce3e528 evpid a8c64add5dd68743
debug: mda: end-of-file for session 89aaccce2ce3e528 evpid a8c64add5dd68743
debug: mda: all data sent for session 89aaccce2ce3e528 evpid a8c64add5dd68743 
89aacccc897be4ac smtp disconnected reason=quit
debug: smtpd: mda process done for session 89aaccce2ce3e528: exited okay
89aacccd047a1572 mda delivery evpid=a8c64add5dd68743 from=<b...@bp99.eu> 
to=<bertalan.pe...@foo.bp99.eu> rcpt=<bertalan.pe...@foo.bp99.eu> user=vmail 
delay=0s result=Ok stat=Delivered
debug: mda: session 89aaccce2ce3e528 done

What I can see here is that smtpd does a lookup for the entire address
<bertalan.pe...@foo.bp99.eu> first, then as a fallback, for
`bertalan.peter' in my virtuals file. It indeed fints `bp99' and it
later perofmr s a further lookup for `bp99' and finds `vmail'. There are
no more ‘redirections’, so for `vmail' it eventually looks up the UNIX
user with getpwnam and delivers the message to what I specified in

My problem is that the mail gets delivered to
I would like to have the mail under the ‘resolved’ user’s maildir:

I noticed that when I use my entire address in the virtuals file, like

b...@foo.bp99.eu                vmail
bertalan.pe...@foo.bp99.eu      b...@foo.bp99.eu

It works, because the `to=' changes to the alias address. Like this:

d5bab85c70d7b72e smtp connected address= 
debug: looking up pki "foo.bp99.eu"
debug: session_start_ssl: switching to SSL
debug: pony: rsae_priv_enc
d5bab85c70d7b72e smtp tls ciphers=TLSv1.3:AEAD-AES256-GCM-SHA384:256
smtp: 0x2a064624000: smtp_cert_verify_cb: no-client-cert
debug: smtp: SIZE in MAIL FROM command
expand: 0x44a11a57018: expand_insert() called for 
address:bertalan.pe...@foo.bp99.eu[parent=0x0, rule=0x0]
expand: 0x44a11a57018: inserted node 0x44a78e48800
expand: lka_expand: address: bertalan.pe...@foo.bp99.eu [depth=0]
lookup: match "" as NETADDR in table static:<anyhost> -> true
lookup: match "foo.bp99.eu" as DOMAIN in table static:domains -> true
rule #1 matched: match from any for domain domains action domain
lookup: lookup "bertalan.pe...@foo.bp99.eu" as ALIAS in table static:virtuals 
-> "b...@foo.bp99.eu"
expand: 0x449fdfed6c0: expand_insert() called for 
address:b...@foo.bp99.eu[parent=0x0, rule=0x0]
expand: 0x449fdfed6c0: inserted node 0x44a9d5c8800
expand: 0x44a11a57018: expand_insert() called for 
address:b...@foo.bp99.eu[parent=0x44a78e48800, rule=0x44ac17dbf80, 
expand: 0x44a11a57018: inserted node 0x44ac17d9000
expand: 0x449fdfed6c0: clearing expand tree
expand: 0x449fdfed6c0: freeing expand tree
debug: aliases_virtual_get: 'bertalan.pe...@foo.bp99.eu' resolved to 1 nodes
expand: lka_expand: address: b...@foo.bp99.eu [depth=1]
lookup: match "local" as NETADDR in table static:<anyhost> -> true
lookup: match "foo.bp99.eu" as DOMAIN in table static:domains -> true
rule #1 matched: match from any for domain domains action domain
lookup: lookup "b...@foo.bp99.eu" as ALIAS in table static:virtuals -> "vmail"
expand: 0x44a71211e00: expand_insert() called for username:vmail[parent=0x0, 
expand: 0x44a71211e00: inserted node 0x44a0ac46800
expand: 0x44a11a57018: expand_insert() called for 
username:vmail[parent=0x44ac17d9000, rule=0x44ac17dbf80, 
expand: 0x44a11a57018: inserted node 0x44a11a5a800
expand: 0x44a71211e00: clearing expand tree
expand: 0x44a71211e00: freeing expand tree
debug: aliases_virtual_get: 'b...@foo.bp99.eu' resolved to 1 nodes
expand: lka_expand: username: vmail [depth=2, sameuser=0]
lookup: lookup "vmail@" as ALIAS in table static:virtuals -> none
lookup: lookup "vmail" as ALIAS in table static:virtuals -> none
lookup: lookup "vmail" as USERINFO in table getpwnam:<getpwnam> -> 
expand: no .forward for user vmail, just deliver
expand: 0x44a11a57018: clearing expand tree
smtp: 0x2a064624000: fd 15 from queue
smtp: 0x2a064624000: message fd 15
smtp: 0x2a064624000: message begin
debug: 0x2a064624000: end of message, error=0
d5bab85c70d7b72e smtp message msgid=68af30f1 size=2414 nrcpt=1 proto=ESMTP
debug: scheduler: evp:68af30f14538283e scheduled (mda)
d5bab85c70d7b72e smtp envelope evpid=68af30f14538283e from=<b...@bp99.eu> 
mda: new user d5bab85d96a8b9a7 for "<getpwnam>:vmail"
debug: lka: userinfo <getpwnam>:vmail
lookup: lookup "vmail" as USERINFO in table getpwnam:<getpwnam> -> 
debug: mda: new session d5bab85e72251dde for user "<getpwnam>:vmail" evpid 
debug: mda: no more envelope for "<getpwnam>:vmail"
debug: mda: got message fd 15 for session d5bab85e72251dde evpid 
debug: mda: querying mda fd for session d5bab85e72251dde evpid 68af30f14538283e
debug: smtpd: forking mda for session d5bab85e72251dde: vmail as vmail
debug: mda: got mda fd 16 for session d5bab85e72251dde evpid 68af30f14538283e
debug: mda: end-of-file for session d5bab85e72251dde evpid 68af30f14538283e
debug: mda: all data sent for session d5bab85e72251dde evpid 68af30f14538283e
d5bab85c70d7b72e smtp disconnected reason=quit
debug: smtpd: mda process done for session d5bab85e72251dde: exited okay
d5bab85d96a8b9a7 mda delivery evpid=68af30f14538283e from=<b...@bp99.eu> 
to=<b...@foo.bp99.eu> rcpt=<bertalan.pe...@foo.bp99.eu> user=vmail delay=0s 
result=Ok stat=Delivered
debug: mda: session d5bab85e72251dde done
debug: mda: user "vmail" becomes runnable
debug: mda: all done for user "<getpwnam>:vmail"

Now I see the same lookups happening, but in the end, the `to=' address
is different.

My only problem with this solution is that I have multiple domains, for
example bp99.hu that I would like to use the same virtuals file with.
It’s not that big of a problem, but this way I would have to maintain a
separate virtual file for each domain. I feel that this is suboptimal,
especially since smtpd seems to be intelligent enough to look not only
for the entire address in the virtual table, but also for only

Sorry if this is a bit off topic for this thread, but I think the
problem starts here—if I can’t even get mail addressed to my virtual
aliases delivered to the same mailbox, there is no point in struggling
with these tagged addresses.

Thank you

Bertalan Z. Péter <bertalan.pe...@bertalanp99.eu>
PGP: FB9B 34FE 3500 3977 92AE  4809 935C 3BEB 44C1 0F89

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