
Le 23/04/2021 à 00:52, ni...@hush.ai a écrit :
Hello, ED. From your response, I'm not entirely sure if I explained my intent properly.

It was very clear.

Sorry if I'm just being dumb, but to clarify: I'm running OpenBSD in a VM on my home machine in hopes of getting better acquainted with the OS for later use in a VPS hopefully. From the VM, I'm trying to send a basic test mail to, for example, any Gmail address. I'm not expecting any inbound mails to the VM (i.e. a "do-not-reply", outbound-only mailer). I'm using the default smtpd.conf file, so if I've understood the documentation correctly, it should be trying to perform MX lookups instead of relying on an external SMTP service, right?

Yes, and it likely did. But then it tried to reach them on port 25, and failed.

I've read that this should be doable anyway? Albeit higher risk of being flagged as spam.

When sending from home, yes. Some people even totally block IP coming from “home ISP”. The reason why your ISP is blocking port 25 and people do this, is that most emails coming from those kinds of hosts are in fact botnets.

So, theoretically, if my ISP did not block port 25, would I then be able to send a mail without the need for an external SMTP service? Or would I likely be getting other errors?

It should work. But since your ISP *is* blocking port 25, it won’t. Emails must be relayed on port 25.

If you cannot unblock it from your ISP, then the solution is indeed a VPS somewhere in a proper data center. Might not even be 5$/month, VPS start event at 1$/month if you have very low needs (in this case just relaying emails). And in any case, I would advise this over trying to set it up at home.


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