Hello all,

I hope someone can help me here. I have a small wordpress website from
which I am sending emails using a free plugin to my ISP SMTP server over
STARTTLS (smtpauth.exchange.iinet.net.au:587). It works well but emails
aren't queued if for any reason the SMTP server is inaccessible.

I deployed MSMTP-MTA on the same host, relaying to my ISP SMTP server, and
got the plugin to send emails through MSMTP-MTA. It works BUT MSMTP doesn't
queue emails either :-(

Now I am trying OpenSMTP which should do the job but for some reason it
returns "550 Invalid recipient" when I try to send emails through it.

All I want is the MTA to accept the mail and forward it to the smarthost.
Any idea?

Here's my /etc/smtpd.conf file:
table secrets file:/etc/mail/secrets
listen on port 25
action "relay" relay host smtp+tls://smtpauth.exchange.iinet.net.au:587
auth <secrets>
match for any action "relay"

Thanks all!


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