hmm... Based on Philipps idea I have modified my script as follows:


cat - > /tmp/notfallemail
from=`cat /tmp/notfallemail | head -n 50 | grep -i ^From`
from=${from// /+}

subject=`cat /tmp/notfallemail | head -n 50 | grep -i ^Subject`
subject=${subject// /+}

out=`curl -g 

exit 0

Stdin works. The SMS message now contains the From and the Subject header. 
However, OpenSMTPd still complains with "mda exited prematurely".

If I however change the script to the following, while the message OpenSMTPd
complains about is still in the queue and pending


cat - > /dev/null

out=`curl -g "https://smsgw01/cgi-bin/sms_send?text=Neue+Notfall+Email"`

exit 0

and then issue smtpctl schedule all, then OpenSMTPd reports a successful 
delivery and removes the mail from the queue.

Any ideas?




Philipp wrote:

> Hi Simon
> [2024-03-05 10:49] Simon Hoffmann <>
> > in my virtual users file, I have specified an external script additionally 
> > to
> > delivery to mailboxes. 
> >
> >
> > emerge...@domain.tld        user1,user2,|/etc/smtpd/
> >
> > Local delivery to the mailboxes works fine. 
> > The script itself is called as well as I do receive the SMS message.
> >
> > However, OpenSMTPd says "MDA exited prematurely" after calling the script, 
> > thus
> > leading to a TEMPFAIL and OpenSMTPd trying again periodically. 
> This means your script exited while OpenSMTPd still has (parts of) the
> mail in the output buffer.
> > [...]
> >
> > The script consists of a static curl call at the moment, that 
> > performs a
> > HTTP Get call to the SMS Gateway with the static text "new emergency mail 
> > received".
> > I am not yet parsing sender/subject etc.
> I would guess that you don't read stdin at all.
> > Sadly, I could find nothing on the man pages as to which exit codes 
> > OpenSMTPd expects
> > from an mda script. Additionally, based on the documentation available, I 
> > am not sure
> > if OpenSMTPd just pipes the whole message into stdin or if OpenSMTPd 
> > expects some
> > form of "smtp communication" (MAIL FROM + response, RCPT TO + response, 
> > ....) and
> > thus comlains that my script exits prematurely because I have not 
> > implemented
> > that.
> smtpd pipes the mail to stdin and expect your script to read it.
> > So, long story short: how shall I modify my script so that OpenSMTPd 
> > recognises that
> > the SMS Gateway received the call and has queued the SMS?
> A simple line "cat - > /dev/null" should fix it.
> Philipp



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