You Vote for Oboma and I will vote for McCain that will be O.
I will O your vote out.
Because Oboma will never accept any tax reform for America. He will tax your 
American friends for you and somehow he is going to give it to people that 
don't pay taxes. Or work for that matter.
 Lobbyist for the IRS take your money and lobby Congress for this tax code or 
The IRS has 72 lobbyist in the belt way spending your money to buy Senators 
How can we stop that with a president like Oboma? We can't.
They take your money and then tax you for taking it. What the heck is that?
They ask for your vote and promise not to raise your taxes or they ask for 
your vote to save your taxes. They use the IRS tax code to buy you. Or to 
threaten you.
Coerce is the word that I call it. That is the same thing a terrorist does to 
get his way.
Subterfuge is the best word for what they do with the IRS tax code.
The Fairtax Guy 
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