Meeting goes to the dogs
Controversial animal control measure deferred, but 2 others gain approval 
By _David Slade _ ( (_Contact_ 
( )
The Post and Courier
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dog lovers argued both sides of several proposed ordinances in Charleston on 
Tuesday, dealing with the mandatory sterilization of animals caught roaming 
free and a ban on unleashed dogs except in dog parks.  
Proposed laws
Proposed animal-related laws the Charleston City Council discussed Tuesday. 
The ordinances would: 
— Prohibit transporting animals in open vehicles unless tethered. The council 
approved it. 
— Require that animals be leashed whenever they are outdoors in the city of 
Charleston, except on one's own property or within the confines of a dog park. 
The council approved it. 
— Allow the owners of impounded animals that are not spayed or neutered to 
choose between paying to have the animal sterilized or paying a $200 fine 
offense) before the animal is returned to them. The ordinance was deferred 
until January. 
— Clarify that Charleston residents are allowed to have up to three dogs and 
three cats over the age of 1. The ordinance was deferred until January.
The City Council did give initial approval to a related but less 
controversial ordinance that would prohibit transporting animals in open 
vehicles, such as 
the backs of pickup trucks, unless the animals were tethered or crated.  
A fourth animal-related ordinance, clarifying that city residents may own or 
house no more than three dogs and three cats, was deferred.  
The sterilization issue involves a city law requiring that dogs and other 
animals caught roaming free be spayed or neutered before being returned to 
Councilman Gary White proposed that owners be given the option of paying a 
$200 fine instead, if it's a first offense.  
He said there have been at least 10 instances since the law was passed four 
years ago in which the city's legal staff has had to deal with pet owners upset 
over the mandatory sterilization rule.  
Several of those dog owners spoke at the City Council meeting.  
"You've got to change this ordinance so that people who want to breed their 
dogs can get them back in one piece," said C.B. Branan, whose dog was picked up 
by Animal Control after getting out last year. "I had to get a lawyer to 
threaten the SPCA with a lawsuit. That's the only way I got my dog back." 
On the other side of the issue were shelter operators, who said the 
sterilization requirement is necessary to control the dog and cat populations.  
Charles Karesh, board president of the Charleston Animal Society, said 
roughly 6,000 dogs and cats were euthanized at Charleston shelters in 2007 
of overpopulation. That's about half the animals taken in to shelters, with the 
rest being returned to owners or adopted, he said.  
Karesh said more than 70 percent of the animals brought in by Animal Control 
and later returned to their owners had not been spayed or neutered before they 
were caught.  
White said his proposed ordinance would allow pet owners who strongly opposed 
having their dogs sterilized to pay a fine of $200 if the animal had not been 
caught before. A second time, and the fine would rise to $1,000.  
The third time, there would be no choice.  
Previous story
_City Council to consider tighter off-leash restrictions_ 
published 12/09/08
White said his ordinance would mirror Charleston County's ordinance, which he 
said would be helpful considering the overlapping boundaries of the city and 
Some other members of the council wanted to see a compromise reached with 
animal shelter groups, and others favored allowing only a one-time choice of 
paying a fine, which they said should be at least $500.  
The council ended up deferring action on the ordinance, with plans to revisit 
it in January.  
An ordinance banning off-leash dogs throughout the city won initial approval 
Tuesday, with plans to add some changes before it comes back for a final vote 
in January.  
Off-leash dogs would be allowed only in sanctioned dog parks or the owner's 
The regulation would replace a law that allowed dogs to be off-leash if they 
were under "strict voice command." 
Councilman Aubry Alexander proposed the ordinance, as well as the ban on 
transporting unrestrained animals in open vehicles. He said both were for the 
safety of the animals and the general public, and came at the request of 
Some city residents objected to the off-leash rule, saying it would prevent 
them from enjoying city parks that are not designated dog parks.  
"A couple of generations of my pets have enjoyed going to Cannon Park," said 
downtown resident Debra Stokes. "It's a wonderful gathering and a good use of 
public space." 
Councilwoman Yvonne Evans and Mayor Joe Riley said they will work to amend 
the proposed leash law to allow for off-leash time at Cannon Park and other 
The fourth proposed ordinance, dealing with how many dogs or cats a city 
resident may own or house, was meant to clarify existing city rules but raised 
concerns among several members of council.  
Some felt there should be no limit, and others wanted to see exceptions for 
pet foster families.  
That ordinance is also expected to resurface in January.  
Reach David Slade at 937-5552 or _dsl...@postandcourier.com_ 
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