Yes and won't Roy make a great Senator!!!!!

  -----Original Message-----
[]on Behalf Of D L Wells
  Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 12:03 PM
  Cc:; MLC Google Group; Missouri C4L
  Subject: Re: [MOC4L] Re: Neal Boortz - How's the Stimulus Working for You?

  Just sitting here seething about the two Socialist-Fascist Missouri
Republicans that voted YES for the bailout:

  Roy Blunt and
  Joanne Emerson

  What a travesty.

  Deb Wells

  On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 5:43 AM, John M Bubb <> wrote:

    Well, as Boortz points out, we're not seeing much recovery.  As the
imbecile Socialist-Fascists could point out if they were to acknowlege this,
only a small fraction of the "stimulus" counterfeit has been spent yet (you
can guess whose buddies got the FRN's first).

    In fact, it all takes time.  As anyone with the faintest notion of
economics knows, the "stimulus" is not going to cause recovery, it will
prevent it, and make it so much worse.

    But as I said, little of it has been spent yet.  It will take time.
This gives us TWO opportunities:
      1.. Relentlessly plan and provide for your own safety, along with
others who are on the correct side of this.
      2.. It gives us time to CONTINUE to SPREAD THE TRUTH about this ugly
    We are making progress.  But a lot of confused people are springing up
now, who do not understand the truth of the causes or cures.  Some believe
that if they were in charge and doing the same stuff, that would somehow be
good.  It won't.  We must KNOW / LEARN (and for many of us the learning is
just starting, and that's good too!) the truth and pass it on, RELENTLESSLY.

      -----Original Message-----
      From: []on Behalf
      Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 3:30 PM
      To: MLC Google Group; Young Conservatives
      Cc: ACMN; Campaign for Liberty-SGF; Missouri C4L;; Savage Group
      Subject: [MOC4L] Neal Boortz - How's the Stimulus Working for You?


            How's the stimulus working for you so far?
            Neal Boortz
            Monday, July 06, 2009

            Well now. Our economy is really lunging forward, isn’t it? What
a ride! Are you holding on?
            We’re billions of dollars further in debt (trillions?) and the
economy is still stagnant. TARP, the stimulus bill, massive debts our
children and grandchildren will have to pay .. and what has this all brought
us? Banks aren’t lending, businesses aren’t hiring – let along expanding –
and consumers aren’t buying. Oh, to be sure, the malls are crowded. Turn up
the thermostats and see how long that lasts. Those aren’t shoppers, they’re
just your neighbors trying to stay cool while watching the latest absurd
teen fashion and freak shows.

            Do what the initials SNAFU mean? That word was created to define
government action, or inaction as the case may be. In 1942 Time magazine
carried this revelation: "Last week U.S. citizens knew that gasoline
rationing and rubber requisitioning were snafu.” Well .. if there was ever a
SNAFU, our economy would fit the description. To fully understand this, you
have to know what the acronym stands for. Go ahead … Google it.

            So … after hundreds of billions of dollars, government seizures
of GM, Citigroup and others, imminent bank nationalization, massive favors
handed to unions at the expense of private investors, and a pantload of new
czars in the White House … all done to kick start our economy … what do we
have. SNAFU, that’s what. Or TAUFU, if you like.

            Look … I’m just a talk show host. What the hell do I know? I’ve
been sitting behind a microphone for 40 years now sparring with hundreds of
thousands of callers who generally knew a helluva lot more than the hundreds
of politicians I’ve interviewed over that time.

            Having said that … I’m betting that this particular talk show
host can, in just a few hundred words, give you some better ideas for kick
starting our economy than you’ve heard from Obama and his Democrat
sycophants over the past four months. Oh, and throw in most of the
Republicans as well.

            It’s not all that hard, really. All you have to do is recognize
and acknowledge the true goal of the political class. It’s summed up in one
word: POWER. You think they actually give a flying Krispy Kreme about you?
What? I know you were born at night, but was it last night? They may care
about your vote .. but that’s it. It’s power, my friends. Power and little
else. Politicians will spout some lofty rhetoric about public service and
wanting to leave this country a better place when they leave office; but,
with few exceptions, that changes rather quickly. Once they get used to the
privileges and the perks that go with their exalted positions their mindset
changes. These people don’t name research centers, bridges, parks, sports
stadiums, university buildings, highways and office buildings after
themselves because of their dedication to public service.

            Where does that leave us? It leaves us in a situation where the
people in power, the people who make the rules and decide how our economy is
going to be fixed, are going to worry first about preserving and expanding
their power and secondly (if they have time) about putting us back on a
track to prosperity.

            The basics: What does it take to get our economy moving again?
Spending. If nobody is spending nobody needs to produce. You aren’t going to
gather the raw materials and personnel together to spend time and money
creating a product or service unless you have some degree of confidence that
there are people out there who either have or can borrow the money to buy
it. Our economy is a constant day-by-day election process. The products and
services put into the marketplace are the candidates. Consumers are the
voters. Dollars are the ballots. If a candidate gets no votes, the candidate
either reinvents himself or just simply goes away. The whole process slows
down or grinds to a halt if the voters don’t have ballots to cast.

            Clearly, to stimulate our economy money had to be spent. That’s
basic. The question, then, was who gets to spend the money? If the American
public gets to make the choices as to when and where the money is spent,
that equates to power for the people. If, on the other hands, those
decisions are made by the political class, it means no power to the people –
the power goes to the elected elite. Now would someone please try to explain
to me why these politicians, as completely immersed as they are in building
their individual power bases, would ever want to turn over the power that
goes with spending these huge sums of money to the great unwashed? How in
the world is that going to benefit a politician? How do you generate a
campaign ad for radio telling the voters that you deserve reelection because
the private consumers in your district kept the local hardware store and a
few clothing shops in business with their spending? Better you should be
able to lay claim to a few road widening and resurfacing projects and a new
rehearsal hall for the local high school band.

            Do you remember how much that stimulus bills was? Let’s just
call it $750 billion. For the sake of argument let’s accept that this $750
billion had to be borrowed and spent to get our economy cranking again. Once
you’ve accepted the $750 billion figure we’re going to borrow, you then have
to decide just who gets to spend that money and what they get to spend it

            Here’s an idea from Texas congressman Louis Gohmert (R 1st
Dist.). Gohmert wanted a tax holiday. I’ve taken his idea and expanded it a
bit. Last year Gohmert was floating an idea of allowing the American people
to go one full month without paying any federal income or payroll taxes. The
idea was that they would then spend this money and stimulate the economy.
When Obama started talking about the $750 billion dollar stimulus price tag
I did some quick calculations. It seems that $750 billion is almost exactly
equal to the amount of federal income, Social Security and Medicare taxes
withheld from American paychecks over a six-month period.

            Are you following me? How about not a one-month tax holiday, but
six months? How about letting people keep almost their entire paychecks for
one-half of a year?
            So -- here are the two possible scenarios our politicians had to
work with:

            1. Borrow the $750 billion and let the politicians (the looters)
decide how it is going to be spent to stimulate our economy.

            2. Give the producers a six month period in which they owe no
federal income or payroll taxes. For these six months they get to keep their
checks. This puts $750 billion into the hands of American workers – American
producers – to spend and invest.

            Either way you are going to have to borrow $750 billion. If you
give the people a six-month tax holiday the money will have to be borrowed
to replace the lost revenue.

            You see it, don’t you? There is one huge difference between the
two plans. Under the government spending scenario the politicians get to
decide how the money is spent. In other words, they get the power.
Remember … power is the goal. It’s everything to the political class.
Politicians wanted to decide which road is built, which park is refurbished,
and which research project gets additional funding. Every one of these
decisions would be made based on the political capital it will generate.

            Under the tax holiday plan the people, not the politicians, get
to cast the ballots/dollars. Spending choices would not be made on the basis
of political expediency, but on the free choices of the people. Businesses
that delivered a good product and good customer service would get the votes,
not politicians who delivered a pork project to their districts.
            A dollar spent on a new lawnmower at the hardware store does not
generate a single vote. A dollar spent on a new job mowing grass along an
Interstate highway does.

            So … there was a decision to be made. Massive amounts of money
were going to be borrowed and spent to stimulate our economy (or so the
storyline went). But just who would get to spend the money?

            Do you remember that famous Bill Clinton line? It was January of
1999. The place was Buffalo, New York. The federal government had actually
collected more tax money that it needed. There was a surplus. Someone asked
Clinton if, considering the surplus, there might be a tax cut. His response:
"We could give it all back to you and hope you spend it right... But ... if
you don't spend it right, here's what's going to happen.” He then went on to
describe the gloomy future of Social Security when more people are
collecting benefits than paying taxes.

            Sure .. it’s your money. You worked for it; you earned it. That
money actually represents the expenditure of a portion of your life … and
here’s this politician telling you that even though he doesn’t actually need
that money right now, he’s going to go ahead and keep it because if he
returns it to its rightful owner – you – then you won‘t “spend it right.”
Now excuse me, but don’t you get to decide what would be the right way and
the wrong way to spend your money?

            You know the rest of this story. The politicians in Washington
decided that they would be doing the spending, not you. You just could not
be trusted to spend it “right.” So President Obama sent the word to Princess
Pelosi to gather together all of the spending dreams and schemes of her
Democrat members of congress and compile them into a massive spending bill.
The bill would be pure pork and designed for nothing more than to secure
reelections; but it would be called stimulus.

            Now I could waste a few thousand words here describing all of
the absurd ways this money is being spent. Vice President Biden actually
told us that there would be waste. He was talking to business leaders in New
York in early June when he said that waste would be inevitable in spending
the stimulus money. Inevitable doesn’t begin to cover it.
            OK … just a few examples:

            • $650 million for digital television converter boxes
            • $248 million for furniture at Homeland Security’s offices
            • $850 million to manage Forest Service lands
            • $88 million to design an icebreaker (a ship, not clever bar
            • $150 million for facilities at the Smithsonian

            Now tell me .. just how are these projects going to stimulate
our economy? But, on the other hand, what if this money was in the hands of
the people who earned it? They could be buying new flat-screen televisions
instead of converter boxes. The new furniture could be for our living rooms
instead of government offices. The money spent to manage Forest Service
lands (what stimulus!) could be spent to develop privately-owned property.
The icebreaker money could be spent by those who earned it on a new fishing
boat or a cruise. And the $150 million for the Smithsonian could have been
spent on visits to local museums and attractions .. as chosen by the people.

            I walk through the shopping malls and drive down the streets
distressed over the numbers of closed businesses and empty storefronts. Each
closed business is lost jobs and shattered dreams. Each shuttered window is
a hole in our economy. Government spending on digital converter boxes,
icebreakers and managing Forest Service lands weren’t going to keep these
businesses open. $750 billion in extra dollars in the hands of American
consumers might, though, have done the trick.

            Come on, folks. Try to think with that part of your brain you
developed after government schools. This whole spending boondoggle wasn’t
designed to get our economy going again. It was designed to increase the
size and power of our Federal government and to inoculate the political
class against voter disgust.

            These are people who think that America is great because of
government; and the more government we have the better America is. This is
why the stimulus money had to be spent by the government sector … not the
ordinary, hard-working masses. We just could not be trusted to spend that
money the “right” way; and the right way, of course, is in an effort to
strengthen government.

            In the meantime … step outside and smell the stimulus. It’s
really doing the job, isn’t it? Yup. Government always knows best …
especially when it comes to spending our money.
            The people who made this decision will stand for reelection next
year. You will look at the 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives
and tell yourself that 434 of those rascals just have to go. Every one
except yours. The rascals know this. They’re not worried.


            "Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only
prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom
as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously
work and sacrifice for that freedom." - John F. Kennedy

            "Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the
arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of
free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not
have." - Ronald Reagan

            "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the
pursuit of justice is no virtue." - Barry Goldwater


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