The Bipartisan Divide 
Obama wants to redefine bipartisanship. Will Republicans go along?
By John DickersonPosted Wednesday, July 15, 2009, at 8:08 PM ET

You may remember the old Folgers coffee commercial in which they replaced 
restaurant coffee with Folgers and diners didn't notice the switch. A similar 
taste test may be happening in Washington. Administration aides are replacing 
the traditional definition of bipartisanship with their version in the hopes 
that people don't notice but still like the result.

For the last few weeks, Obama's aides have argued that the traditional measure 
of bipartisanship—counting the number of Republicans voting on a bill sponsored 
by a Democrat or vice versa—is too limiting. Another way to measure 
bipartisanship is how many ideas from the opposition party are included in a 
bill. So even if no actual Republicans vote for a bill, that doesn't mean it's 
a partisan product: It could still contain some amount of Republican flavoring. 
Another measure of bipartisanship, argues Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, is 
whether the president or Democrats have participated in good-faith negotiations.
The president was highlighting the first criterion today. Heralding the passage 
of a health care bill by the Senate committee on health, education labor, and 
pensions, the president noted that the bill "includes more than 160 Republican 
amendments—a hopeful sign of bipartisan support for the final product." Obama 
also met with Senate Republicans at the White House to discuss health care, 
showing that, per the second criterion, he's certainly trying to reach out.
Bipartisanship, whether in fact or in name, is worth holding on to because 
Obama's promises to end the partisanship in Washington was a central appeal of 
his candidacy. Plus, independent voters, who have been drifting away from 
Obama, tend to like the concept. 
White House aides have been trying to redefine bipartisanship since the 
stimulus bill. They felt the old definition tied their hands and led to a bad 
result. In order to meet Obama's promise that the stimulus bill would be 
bipartisan, they had to get some Republican support. They shopped and shopped 
but could get only three Republicans in the Senate. Even that was a defeat 
relative to initial claims that Obama would get 70 votes in the Senate—and the 
price was very high given the provisions they traded away to court opposition 
support. Some Republicans, like Iowa's Chuck Grassley, didn't vote for the 
final bill even though some of his conditions had been met. Meanwhile, in the 
House, White House efforts resulted in not a single Republican vote.
The effort at redefinition has picked up recently because time is running out. 
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says that he's going to bring health care 
reform to the floor by July 27. Someone should put the coffee pot on. Before 
the Senate can start those two weeks of debate, a lot of work has to be done. 
The Senate finance committee, which has not started marking up its legislation, 
will have to start that process almost immediately. After that's completed, 
staffers will have to spend the weekend melding the finance committee bill with 
the other Senate bill that just passed today.
Obama has said the House and Senate must vote on their health care bills before 
Congress recesses in early August. With Democrats in the House and Senate 
balking over some provisions, there may not be enough time to get Democrats in 
line and convince a handful of Republicans and meet the deadline. So aides are 
laying the groundwork so that they can claim a party-line vote is really a 
bipartisan one. 
There's also a chance that this attempt at redefinition is just a ruse. Obama's 
aides are threatening to pass a bill with only Democrats supporting it to 
frighten Republicans. If Republicans think Democrats will go it alone, the 
thinking goes, maybe they'll relent in negotiations. A bill they don't like but 
can shape is preferable to a potentially worse bill on which they have no say.
Democratic staffers report that Reid thinks in the end he's likely to pick up a 
few Republicans, which may mean that Obama can herald a genuine bipartisan 
compromise without fiddling with definitions. But if that doesn't work out, the 
president and his congressional allies may decide that, having tried to 
incorporate Republican ideas and work with Republicans, they just can't give in 
anymore or waste any more time and must go their own partisan way. There's a 
case to be made for that. But embracing partisanship while trying to call it 
bipartisan would be too much of a rhetorical stretch—even for this president 
who has a gift for speechmaking.
In The Audacity of Hope, then-Sen. Obama wrote: "The majority party can begin 
every negotiation by asking for 100 percent of what it wants, go on to concede 
10 percent, and then accuse any member of the minority party who fails to 
support the 'compromise' of being 'obstructionist.' For the minority party in 
such circumstances, 'bipartisanship' comes to mean getting chronically 
steamrolled, although individual senators may enjoy certain political rewards 
by consistently going along with the majority and hence gaining a reputation 
for being 'moderate' or 'centrist.' "
There is another term for what Obama is doing that would be consistent with his 
previous definitions. In a 2007 interview with Frank Rich, he said: "There are 
some times where we need to be less bipartisan. I'm not interested in cheap 
bipartisanship. We should have been less bipartisan in asking tough questions 
about entering into this Iraq war."
The president has made the case for health care as a national priority. If he 
thinks Republicans aren't meeting the challenge of the day, then he should go 
his own way. That might be the right thing to do instead of engaging in "cheap 
bipartisanship." But to take that route and call it bipartisan would be cheap.

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