This email contains some excellent talking points.

--- On Fri, 8/28/09, NumbersUSA Action Alert <> 

From: NumbersUSA Action Alert <>
Subject: Sen. McCaskill – Health Care Listening Sessions
Date: Friday, August 28, 2009, 3:30 PM

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Dear Faxer: 

Sen. McCaskill – Health Care Listening Sessions 

Sen. Claire McCaskill will hold two health care listening sessions on August 
31. Registration is required so please use the links below if you intend to 
participate. The first three talking points suggested below concern health 
care, but you may want to discuss other immigration concerns if you have a 
chance. Also, please see our recent article and blog on illegal-alien coverage 
under the healthcare plan. 

West Plains Civic Center Theater 
110 St. Louis Street 
West Plains, Missouri - Map 
Monday, August 31, 9 a.m. 
Link to RSVP - 

Gillioz Theater 
325 Park Central East 
Springfield, Missouri - Map 
Monday, August 31, 12:30 p.m. 
Link to RSVP - 

Talking Points 

There are more than 15 million Americans who are looking for a job but cannot 
find one, so there are no longer any excuses for continuing to allow businesses 
or government to hire illegal aliens. In the same vein, there is no reason to 
make taxpayers underwrite benefits for illegal aliens under health care reform. 
Will you support mandatory verification checks for workplace and health care 

When a House Committee debating health care legislation defeated an amendment 
that would have required immigration status checks for benefit applications, 
the members responsible voted to allow illegal aliens to apply for coverage 
under the new system being developed. Although the bill says illegal aliens are 
not covered, it does not include language to stop them from applying. Will you 
work to ensure that the Senate’s bill requires verification of legal status for 
all non-emergency room benefits and care?

The health care legislation being debated in the House of Representatives says 
"undocumented aliens" can't receive benefits, but there is no language 
requiring that applicants be checked for eligibility. In fact, there is 
specific language in the House bill that guarantees illegal aliens will get 
benefits. Section 1714 states, "in determining eligibility for services under 
this subsection, the State may consider only the income of the applicant or 
recipient." Enrollment would be automatic irrespective of legal status. Do you 
believe illegal aliens should be given access non-essential health services 
even though this would cost American taxpayers billions of dollars per year? 

The Homeland Security spending bill passed by the Senate would help 
skyrocketing unemployment rates by strengthening the E-Verify employment 
eligibility system and ensuring that taxpayer-funded jobs go to unemployed 
Americans and legal immigrants. Similar language was stripped from the stimulus 
bill, a bill that was supposed to help American workers. Will you work to 
ensure that the Senate-passed E-Verify provisions are retained in the final 
spending bill?

The SAVE Act addresses the core issue of illegal immigration: the jobs magnet. 
It recognizes that our illegal immigration mess has primarily been caused by 
our government allowing unscrupulous businesses to hire illegal workers at the 
expense of American workers. The American people don’t want an amnesty and 
don’t want to have to compete with illegal aliens for jobs. Will you support 
the SAVE Act and help put some teeth in immigration enforcement?

There are more than 15 million Americans who are looking for a job but cannot 
find one, and approximately 6 million non-farm jobs that are currently filled 
by illegal aliens. There are no longer any excuses for continuing to allow 
business or government to hire illegal aliens when so many citizens and legal 
residents are suffering. Will you support mandatory E-Verify workplace 
eligibility checks for new and existing employees?

In these times of high unemployment, why are we maintaining an immigration 
policy on auto-pilot that continues to bring in an additional 125,000 foreign 
workers every month? Members of Congress have introduced legislation to change 
the so-called “chain migration” policy and visa policies that cause this, but 
we need relief from unnecessary foreign job competition. Do you see any 
prospect for at least temporarily suspending the importation of unnecessary 
foreign workers during this recession?

The American people have rejected "comprehensive" immigration reform like the 
2007 "grand bargain" amnesty bill in the Senate, and piecemeal amnesties like 
the DREAM Act and AgJobs. Isn't it time for Congress to say NO to another 
amnesty and give the American people the enforcement that has been promised us 
since the 1986 amnesty?

The PASS ID Act would gut the REAL ID Act and return us to the pre-9/11 
standard of identity validation, which allows state DMVs to rubber-stamp the 
identity documents of driver’s license applicants without verification of their 
authenticity. Validation without verification was the process that enabled 9/11 
hijackers to secure driver’s licenses using fake documents. Will you heed the 
lessons of 9/11 and oppose the PASS ID Act?

We only have a few thousand immigration agents responsible for tracking down at 
least 12 million illegal aliens. But we have over 750,000 state and local 
police that can help enforce immigration laws. Will you make sure the federal 
government fully funds the 287(g) program that allows state and local police to 
help during the course of their routine duties?


Numbers USA
1601 N. Kent Street
Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209
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