I’m using ScmUtils 2016 compiled to a band using version 9.2 on OSX, and I’m 
running into a strange error. 
The simplest case I can boil it down to is:
Using *scheme* I can do 
(define (g2d x y v)
  (* (ref v 0) (exp (- (+ (/ (square (- x (ref v 1))) (* 2 (square (ref v 3)) 
)) (/ (square (- y (ref v 2))) (* 2 (square (ref v 4)))))))))
And then:
 (g2d 1 2 ‘(1 2 3 4 5))
#| .9500411305585278 |#

However if I save this as a file eg ref-error.scm and then load the file from 
*scheme* I get:
;Unbound variable: ref

 Any ideas?
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