
I am trying to simulate a virtual camera in a QmitkRenderWindow, the camera
is fixed to the tip of a pointer object. I would like to modify the
vtkRenderWindowInteractor so that  modify the position of my object (and
thus the camera as well) only by using the 2D coordinates the mouse
sends(left button clicked), let's call it mouse navigation.

I can access the vtkRenderWindowInteractor, but I don't know how to access
the mouse clicked event and most important take the positions in the 3D
world coordinates. I read about this in Display Geometry Interactor
<http://mitk.org/wiki/Display_Geometry_Interaction_Project>, and looking at
the RenderWindowInteractor documentation
I saw LeftButtonPressEvent
() that needs SetEventInformation() call.

I am not sure how to use SetEventInformation() funcion... I guess I have to
pass it the x and y display positions once clicked but if it "should be
called just prior to" LeftButtonPressEvent
() it confuses me.
Once I got the x and y positions I would do my computations so that move my
object and the camera.

I would be grateful if you could give me some tip! I don't know if this is
the best way to achieve my objective or there is a better one.

If it is not clear what I am asking feel free to make any question :)

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards,



Rocío López Velazco

*SimbioSYS** group, BCN MedTech*

*UniversityPompeu Fabra*

*Department of Information and Communication Technologies Roc Boronat, 122
(Tànger Building),  08018 Barcelona                    Office 55 119
https://bcn-medtech.upf.edu/ <https://bcn-medtech.upf.edu/>*
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