Hi DKdennis,

Thank you for all the work! I have just tested your branch, and .. it works!

I can't see the issue you have described. I have set a breakpoint to slotAddRandomTrack()
and it breaks only once.

For future review request, you should just do a GitHub Pull request and add a comment if there is still work in progress. All Mixxx team members will get notified about the code comments.

Here some comments, the rest inline at GitHub:

It just feels scary, that the Auto DJ playlist is empty during the automatic addition and setting "1". I think It would look better, if we have ALLWAYS on track in the playlist when setting "1". So you may just add and offset to the setting value. The current default would be "0".
And the default should be "1" ("2" in the current implementation)

Allow more than 3 tracks as limits, why not 20?
This is the bar usecase, a barceeper can remove unwanted tracks until he has 20 pleasant tracks (a normal sampler runtime).

The feature should also work if the limit is violated for any other reason.
EG, if you increase the limit, tracks should be added after apply.

The feature is already useful without my additional feature requests so. So feel free to propose it as merge request, if you are satisfied.

Kind regards,


Am 02.01.2015 um 11:49 schrieb Don Dennis:
Hi I'v been working on this (Bug #971429 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/971429>) and have implemented almost every aspect of the requirement . I'm facing one bug which I have not been able to solve yet. I'm totally new to QT . My implementation checks for the number of tracks remaining in the autoDJ play list and as soon as it goes lower than a particular number (selected through the preference) it emits a requestTracks signal which in turn calls the slotAddRandomTrack.

The signal is emitted here <https://github.com/metastableBarrett/mixxx/blob/b971429_addRand/src/library/autodj/autodjprocessor.cpp#L520> and received here <https://github.com/metastableBarrett/mixxx/blob/b971429_addRand/src/library/autodj/autodjfeature.cpp#L123> which calls the slotAddRandom() here <https://github.com/metastableBarrett/mixxx/blob/b971429_addRand/src/library/autodj/autodjfeature.cpp#L369>

My bug is that even though i'v only emitted the signal once from autoDjProcessor.cpp, the slotAddRandomTrack() is being called thrice in autoDJFeature.cpp. With the qDebug() messages I print out it seems that the signal is in fact being emitted thrice with the same arguments. I'm not sure what is happing. Any help is appreciated.

(please ignore the comments in the code)


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