Codelite, Code::Blocks and Netbeans. If I want something done and don't 
need so big editor (like VIM) I use Codelite. All stuff for C++, PHP and 
Node.js I need.

But why not VIM with C++ it's not so bad..


10.01.2016, 14:51, Thorsten Munsch kirjoitti:
> Hey Lee,
> I use Netbeans on Linux. Simply clone from Github, open that directory
> as a new project with existing sources and have fun. :)
> Thorsten
> Am 10.01.2016 um 04:38 schrieb Lee Matos:
>> Hey Devs,
>> In 2016 I want to start getting better at C++ and contributing more to 
>> Mixxx. I’m on a Mac and considering Xcode/Eclipse and figured I’d ask what 
>> IDE you guys are using? (I normally do work in JS/Python so I use Vim for 
>> that.)
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