On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 11:21 AM, Daniel Schürmann <dasch...@mixxx.org>

> Hi Harry, Hi Be,
> here some comments:
> IMHO arguing about If C or JS is easier will not lead us ahead in this
> discussion.

Good point - apologies for the rat-hole.

> > As noted above, we can take TCC off the table for Mixxx's use case.
> Personally I still love it - and it has radically changed how I think about
> programming in C - but perhaps its just not a good fit for Mixxx. I can
> work with that.
> I am afraid a mandatory TCC based Ctlra solution will prevent it from
> being successful.

At no point to I think Ctlra will *require* also using TCC. It just so
happens that they complement each other well for my use-cases.

> Only a solution that works nice Windows as well as on non X86 based
> architectures will be accepted as a new standard.

TCC supports a variety of targets; and despite no official releases, the
git repo is pretty active:  http://repo.or.cz/w/tinycc.git

> For me, the key is here to be modular. Similar to LV2 each driver Ctlra
> driver can be shipped with a source file and a meta-data file which should
> contain a recipe to turn the source file into a *.so or a dll. In a future
> advanced step, the hosts Ctlra library code should be responsible to read
> the recipe and do what it should be done to turn it into a binary.

I'm not sure what the benefit is here - i see a pretty complex workflow,
but no ultimate gain that TCC doesn't already provide. But I said I'd drop
the TCC idea and discuss other options.

> > Lets find a better solution for novice / casual users who don't want to
> compile anything.
> The compile step itself is not the issue. If we look for example to OpenGL
> Shading Language, where we also have a compiler step no one noticed.

Good point.

> >> Even if we have a ctlra controller in Mixxx, we need to adapt the
> signals to Mixxx Control Objects using xml or js files.
> > Why XML or JS? I see many more options, and just because we have
> existing infrastructure for a similar case doesn't mean its always the
> correct solution.
> Just because Mixxx is using it right now. It is IMHO not in the responds
> of Ctlra to convert controller events into application commands.

OK - then lets investigate this option more. Keep in mind that my JS
experience is limited, and that I'm not particularly familiar with
QT/Mixxx's JS engine capabilities.
I'll post a PR asap that exposes Ctlra events to Mixxx, and then see what
kind of JS magic is required on top to expose that to the JS mapping

> > I'm still not convinced it is possible for any point-and-click system to
> fully map most controllers **in a maintainable way**.  ...
> This is should be out of scope of Ctlra.

Absolutely yes - this is outside the scope of Ctlra - at this point we are
talking about the integration of Ctlra + Mixxx in particular. This was
noted by a few developers at the LAC too, that device access is only a part
of the problem. Providing a good mapping mechanism is the harder part. But
we need step 1 (Ctlra device access) before step 2 (easy/powerful mappings).

> Thinking of all of this again, I think this Ctlra project is a great
> chance to fix some issues, existing standards have.
> * Midi: Midi is that successfully, because it is defined up to the
> Application layer for a Midi-Keyboard. Reusing this for other types of
> controllers works, but pushes it down to the Presentation Layer.
> * OSC: OSC fails to define the Application layer. It is promoted to be a
> Midi successor, but it even has no standard way to even transport good old
> midi messages. There are approaches to fix this in some OSC namespaces, but
> this is somehow stucked.
> It would be grate If we could get back to the state of original Midi
> Plug-And-Play behaviour for Midi-Keyboard for all type of controllers using
> Ctlra. If we do this along with a OSC namespace for Ctlra, this will be a
> great benefit and probably a very successfully.

Lets see!

> On a Midi-Keyborad you know exactly which phsical key is pressed an how
> just looking to the midi Message.
> This can be done for Ctlra as well, I we define a message like "Gain Knob
> Deck A 56 %" So a new controller will be instantly usable for Mixxx with a
> basic default mapping. This is probably not sufficient, but putting a new
> function on "Gain Knob Deck A" can be done by existing mapping solutions.

Yes, simple "static" mapping schemes can be easily handled by mapping event
IDs to ControlProxy objects. As Be pointed out, the difficult point is
layering multiple functionalities over each other in a user-workable way.

> I have these Architectures in mind:
> OpenAV setup:
> HID-Controller
>          V
> Ctlra Driver
>          V
> Cltra Lib
>          V
> C Mapping
>          V
> OpenAV App
> Mixxx setup:
> HID-Controller
>          V
> Ctlra Driver
>          V
> Cltra Lib
>          V
> Controller Proxy
>          V
> XML / *js mapping
>          V
> Mixxx engine
> Gnereic OSC setup:
> HID-Controller
>          V
> Ctlra Driver
>          V
> Cltra Lib
>          V
> OSC Wrapper (process)
>          V
>    UDP/TCP
>          V
> OSC to OSC mapper
>          V
>          V
> OSC enabled DAW
> What do you think?

That proposal looks really good. It basically means, from a Ctlra POV, that
Ctlra is plain old C code, and exposes generic events. The application can
interpret those in whatever way it wants - OSC, JS/Mixxx, or however OpenAV
stuff will end up doing this. It keeps Ctlra just generic events, and
allows the application to solve the mapping problem in its own way. That
sounds logical and a good abstraction, which is exactly what Ctlra aims for.

In order to progress this idea, I'll post code up ASAP, which makes the
generic Ctlra events available in a callback as part of the CtlraController
class. After that, the Mixxx/JS components must be designed / worked on to
fully enable Ctlra in Mixxx.

Thanks for all the input - we seem to be converging on a solution, great!

> Am 09.07.2017 um 06:52 schrieb Be:
> Hi Harry,
> I read the paper for the presentation at LAC 2017 that you linked on IRC:
> http://musinf.univ-st-etienne.fr/lac2017/pdfs/01_C_E_137795.pdf
> Going along with what I mentioned in my previous post, I do not think
> Ctlra should be aware of the "userdata". IMO that should be left to the
> application and its scripting environment.
> On 07/08/2017 08:36 PM, Be wrote:
> On 07/08/2017 06:51 PM, Harry van Haaren wrote:
>     3. The programming language. It is a lot easier to find someone who
>     knows JavaScript, or at least kinda knows JavaScript enough to get
>     by for a small project, than it is to find someone who knows C. For
>     people with minimal or no prior programming experience, higher level
>     languages are much easier to learn.
> Surely anybody somewhat proficient in JS can figure out what this (link
> below) does?? Programming is programming - logical thinking. I don't think
> that the C code there is "harder" than achieving the same in JS. Keep in
> mind we're not asking people to do pointer-magic here - its basic
> arithmetic, and calling a functions.
> https://github.com/openAVproductions/openAV-Ctlra/blob/master/examples/
> vegas_mode/z1.c#L45
> C is more difficult to learn than JavaScript. There are a lot of details
> in that code that you simply don't have to think or know about with
> JavaScript. To a novice developer who knows nothing about C, they'd have to
> answer these questions:
>  > if(e->slider.id == NI_KONTROL_Z1_SLIDER_LEFT_FADER) {
> What is the difference between "->" and "."?
>  > uint32_t iter = (int)((d->volume+0.05) * 7.f);
> 1. What is a uint32_t? Why should I use that instead of a different number
> type?
> 2. What is that "(int)" doing?
> 3. Why is there a ".f" after the "7"?
> That's just the tip of the iceberg of understanding a few lines of code.
> Fully mapping controllers requires considerably more complex logic than
> that.
>     So, I think it would make more sense to expose Ctlra to Mixxx's
>     existing JavaScript environment for controller mapping. There would
>     only need to be two capabilities added for this to work:
>     1. Scripts would be able to register JavaScript callback functions
>     that would be called when particular Ctlra events are passed to Mixxx.
>     2. Scripts would need to have a way to send output messages to
>     Ctlra. There should be a way to freeze/unfreeze the sending of
>     output messages so many outputs could be updated simultaneously in a
>     single HID packet.
>     I have written a proposal for how to do this with MIDI:
>     https://mixxx.org/wiki/doku.php/registering_midi_input_
> handlers_from_javascript
>     <https://mixxx.org/wiki/doku.php/registering_midi_input_
> handlers_from_javascript>
> <https://mixxx.org/wiki/doku.php/registering_midi_input_handlers_from_javascript>
>     It would be great if we could create JS APIs that are almost
>     identical for MIDI and Ctlra.
> I'm still not sold on the idea of wrapping all of Ctlra up in JS callbacks
> and then exposing it to Mixxx. Its possible, but I fail to see why this
> should be the holy-grail of how mappings should work. I should probably do
> up a design-doc or video on how I think *eventually* the Ctlra / Mixxx UX
> for mapping a controller would look: and if I can figure out the technical
> parts, it will be pretty revolutionary in how it enables novice users to
> create unique mappings. Punch line is to present the functionality
> (multi-layered bindings) in a way that is easily consumed by "ordinary"
> humans, and provide a doc + video explaining it. Give me a few weeks - some
> POC Ctlra + Mixxx code first, then onwards to the exact mapping UX.
> I'm still not convinced it is possible for any point-and-click system to
> fully map most controllers *in a maintainable way*. Years ago, device
> specific hacks were added to Mixxx in C++ to make the XML system work with
> MIDI signals for jog wheels. Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but
> my understanding is that the JS engine was added to avoid the need for such
> compiled-in device specific hacks. Almost all mappings submitted for
> inclusion in Mixxx recently have been done mostly or entirely in JS.
> Traktor has an elaborate point-and-click mapping system and users complain
> how awful it is to work with (refer to https://djworx.com/what-do-
> you-want-from-traktor-pro/ for example).
> I have previously thought about designing a GUI that used tabs to organize
> different layers of functionality. But this would break down quickly for
> handling the interaction of multiple layers and create a mess even worse
> than Traktor's mapping GUI. For example, consider a cue button that uses
> the cue_default ControlObject normally but start_stop while a shift button
> is held. You could define a layer that the unshifted button belongs to and
> another layer that the shifted button belongs to. Okay, easy enough. Now
> you want to make that side of the controller able to be toggled between
> deck 1 & deck 3. How would you accomplish this? With a simple layering
> system, you could create 4 different layers:
> Deck 1 unshifted
> Deck 1 shifted
> Deck 3 unshifted
> Deck 3 shifted
> Then you'd need to copy & paste all those 4 layers for the other side of
> the controller with decks 2 & 4! It would be possible to hack support for
> toggling decks into Mixxx so the mapping could deal with a virtual deck and
> Mixxx would maintain the state of which deck is active, but that would only
> handle this specific use case. And you'd still need to copy & paste for the
> left & right sides of the controller.
> What if I want pushing a button to use the beatloop_activate ControlObject
> when no loop is active but use reloop_toggle when a loop is active? I'd
> need to create a layer for a loop being enabled and a layer for no loop
> enabled, then somehow tell Mixxx to switch between them when that state
> changes. Then I'd have to duplicate both those layers for deck 1 & deck 3.
> Now I want pressing that button to act differently when shift is pressed --
> and act differently depending on whether a loop is active. When shift is
> pressed, I want to use reloop_toggle with no loop active and reloop_andstop
> with a loop active. With a GUI layering system, I'd need layers for:
> Deck 1, loop disabled, no shift
> Deck 1, loop disabled, shift
> Deck 1, loop enabled, no shift
> Deck 1, loop enabled, shift
> Deck 3, loop disabled, no shift
> Deck 3, loop disabled, shift
> Deck 3, loop enabled, no shift
> Deck 3, loop enabled, shift
> And again copy and paste for decks 2 & 4. Now there are 16 layers for
> pushing this button! What if you wanted to remap it? Maintaining even this
> example would be a pain, and that's just one component of the controller.
> Programming an entire mapping this would would be awful.
> Also consider how you could implement
> https://mixxx.org/wiki/doku.php/standard_effects_mapping
> for the Kontrol X1, S2, S4, and S5 with such a system. Again, you could
> hack all that logic into the C++ side of Mixxx like the deck toggling case,
> but then what would you do to implement something like the effects mapping
> for the Pioneer DDJ-SB2: https://mixxx.org/wiki/doku.
> php/pioneer_ddj-sb2#effects (particularly the Mixxx 2.1 mapping).
> This video talks about the uselessness of visual diagramming languages
> like UML, and I think much of what is said about visual diagramming
> languages in this applies to programming with a GUI as well:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_SvuUYQ5Fo
> That said, if you have revolutionary ideas for how to design a GUI for
> mapping controllers that could actually handle all the complexity above and
> not be a huge pain to work with, please share. I'd love to be proven
> wrong... but I think it's more likely that you'd waste time that could be
> better spent making Mixxx do other cool things or writing a new OpenAV
> application.
> Thanks for your input again - good points raised. -Harry
>     On 07/06/2017 04:57 PM, Harry van Haaren wrote:
>         Hi All,
>         First of all - this is my first post to the Mixxx-devel list, so
>         a brief intro is in order;
>         I'm Harry van Haaren, developer of the OpenAV audio software,
>         bit of a music/tech/linux head :)
>         I've recently been working on improving controller support in
>         Linux audio land, in particular
>         what I call "modern USB HID" controller devices (think DJ
>         controllers like Akai/NI/Abletons range).
>         I've developed the Ctlra library as OpenAV, which provides
>         access to these hardware devices
>         on Linux. The library allows hotplug and various other
>         "advanced" features like accessing
>         screens on devices.
>         I'd like to integrate Ctlra into Mixxx - to provide access to
>         hardware currently not available
>         to Linux users, and also to provide hotplug support to those
>         controllers. I've created a blueprint
>         on Launchpad[1], and written an introduction on Ctlra and how I
>         propose to integrate it in Mixxx[2].
>         Finally, there is a documentation page on what Ctlra itself
>         achieves here[3], and the source is here[4].
>         If you have an interest in hotplug of controllers, controller
>         support or hardware on Linux,
>         do have a read of the wiki page and others, and I'd appreciate
>         your input on the ideas!
>         Thanks for all your efforts on Mixxx so far, onwards and upwards!
>         -Harry of OpenAV
>         [1]
>         https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mixxx/+spec/ctlra-
> controller-support
>         <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mixxx/+spec/ctlra-
> controller-support>
> <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mixxx/+spec/ctlra-controller-support>
>         [2] https://www.mixxx.org/wiki/doku.php/ctlra_support
>         <https://www.mixxx.org/wiki/doku.php/ctlra_support>
> <https://www.mixxx.org/wiki/doku.php/ctlra_support>
>         [3] http://openavproductions.com/doc/ctlra.html
>         <http://openavproductions.com/doc/ctlra.html>
> <http://openavproductions.com/doc/ctlra.html>
>         [4] https://github.com/openAVproductions/openAV-ctlra
>         <https://github.com/openAVproductions/openAV-ctlra>
> <https://github.com/openAVproductions/openAV-ctlra>
>         --
>         http://www.openavproductions.com <http://www.openavproductions.
> com> <http://www.openavproductions.com>
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