
> 2) when using the cvs version of the zoran driver
Do you use the driver taged with: ZORAN_VIDEODEV_2 ?
If no please upgrade to that version. 

> I can capture, but I have the same problem, but slightly worse. The
> new driver will (instead of returning an error) try to reinitialize the
> chips until the capturing can go on. So lavrec will not stop with "error
> syncing on a buffer" but just get a few lost frames.
You get something like tha:
++ WARN: [lavrec] Closing file(s) and exiting - output file(s) my not be
readable due to error
**ERROR: [lavrec] Error syncing on a buffer: Timer expired

Try lowering the quality if you use a extreme high setting. This helps
at least on my BUZ. 

> Is this a known problem?
Hmm, I would say yes, but a well known problem of the buz. 

> I have seen t his "error syncing on a buffer" a few times in the mailing
> list archives, but it seems every time someone had this problem, they
> couldn't even record any frames. I _can_ record frames; sometimes a full
> hour with the 2.4.19 shipped zoran driver, but I get the error sooner or
> later.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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