On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Matti Haveri wrote:

> Surprisingly MediaPipe is still the only Mac mpeg2enc GUI that can 
> encode interlaced output. For some strange reason people prefer to 
> throw off 50% of their videos and convert them to jerky progressive 
> output on a TV!

        Well, life does exist outside the GUI (but don't get me started
        on that!).   GUI overdependence is not a Good Thing.

        OS/X comes with a lot of capability that can only be fully appreciated 
        and utilized from Terminal.   My biggest complaint is that the system
        is too d*md GUI - get a couple big Xterms or Terminals up (or just 
        work via ssh) and ah, relief!

> automatically downloading them to the disk. Now the user has to 
> control-click them to initiate the download, an action some people 
> may not know.

        They're on a Mac and don't know all the "secret handshake"
        control+click combinations? :-) :-)   That's something I haven't
        mastered yet but then the Terminal doesn't use many of the weird
        magic key sequences.

> Is someone updating those mpeg2enc and mplex Mac OS X binaries or 
> should I bite the bullet and learn to do it myself? Prebuilt Mac OS X 

        I forget when I tweeked the Makefiles to get a static linked
        version of the encoder and mplex - quite some time ago.

        The situation is quite a bit more complex now though because
        mpeg2enc _and_ mplex have been split into frontends and
        shared libraries - not sure if a simple static build is possible
        (it might be but that would end up defeating the purpose of
        the work done to create shared libraries that can be used with
        other programs).

        Ideally the rest of the mjpegtools (except for the V4L specific
        parts of course) would be a good thing to have - lav2yuv, yuvdenoise,
        yuvmedianfilter, yuvplay, lavplay, and all the rest.   Now things get 
        messy.   Bundling in libdv (which I have), libSDL (for the video out,
        SDL is a breeze to build and it takes advantage of the Quartz
        graphics subsystem), possibly libglib and libgtk,  libpng,  and
        possibly others I've overlooked.

        Oh, probably also want y4mscaler too.   Packaging bunches of stuff
        together into whatever format for binary installation isn't something
        I'm familiar with - maybe it's easier than it sounds but maybe it's

        Creating everything as a static executables makes the files a lot
        bigger of course.

> binaries would be nice for other novices, though.

        And keep them being novices ;(  For that they could use the included
        iMovie/iDVD/Quicktime applications.   VCD/SVCDs aren't terribly
        Mac friendly anyhow unless you have MPlayer or the VideoLan Client

> Are there many other Mac OS X users on this list? How do you use 
> mjpegtools? Via a GUI front-end or via the terminal? What would be 

        I don't know if I count or not ;)   I've been building mjpegtools,
        mplayer, libdv, ffmpeg, smilutils, mpeg2dec, SDL, and a bunch of
        other stuff on OS/X since I got my Powerbook back in Feb/Mar of this
        year.   Don't do a lot of encoding on it other than for testing though
        because a 1GHz G4 gets pretty darn slow - mpeg2enc itself can get around
        7 frames/sec on preprocessed YUV4MPEG2 data.  If any conversion
        (lav2yuv or smil2yuv) and scaling or filtering is done then that slows
        it down a lot (although "smilutils" built using ffmpeg's DV codec is
        Altivec enabled and is a lot faster than libdv's on a G4).   Most of 
        the encoding is done on dual Athlon-2800 or P4-2.2GHz systems.   One 
        of those nice dual 2GHz G5 tower systems is on the "toy/wish list" for 
        next year though ;)
        I use mjpegtools (not just mpeg2enc+mplex) like this:


smil2yuv -a foo.wav -i 2 fire-master.dv | \
    y4mscaler -v 0 -O chromass=420_MPEG2 | \
    bfr -b 10m | \
    mpeg2enc -f 8 -E -5 -M 2 -R 0 -q 4 -K tmpgenc -4 2 -2 1 -o foo.m2v
toolame -b 192 -o foo.wav foo.mpw
mplex -f 8 -o foo.mpg foo.m2v foo.mp2

        How else? ;)

        It's something that can be setup and run without having to sit
        in front of the machine.  Can ssh into the system and do encoding
        (and monitoring of the progress) from anywhere.

> the best way to write a GUI for the underlying UNIX tools -- 
> AppleScript, Cocoa??

        Cocoa I would guess but on the other hand OS/X 10.3 does come
        with XFree86 4.3 included so you could do it as a X app that would
        also run on your *nix system (or even better run it over a network
        to your *nix system - something I'm not sure Apple's graphic system
        can do to a X server).

> instructions. The MediaPipe_and_SVCD page's chapter "Fine-tuning 
> mpeg2enc" is mostly compiled from info snippets in this mailing list. 


        Yep, there's been a lot of hints/tips passing thru the mailinglists
        over the years.   Interesting to see the info being put to good use ;)

        Steven Schultz

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