
> > I had something similair, it was a problem with open gl, disabling that
> > helped.
> > Does lavplay work ?
> Yes, it works with -pH and outputs video through my Miro card :)

> > If you tell us the version of the grafic card driver, X11 version and
> > the error message we might provide further help.
> I am using Ati Radeon 8500 LE with xorg-6.8.2-r4
> Tried with ati proprietary drivers, with open source radeon driver,
> and even vesa :)
> Anyway glav gives me SDL parachute error :)

> I created some .eli files and wanted to convert videos to dvd
> compliant mpeg2 or vcd compliant mpeg1.
> Before I post the troubles I want to paste how I captured videos
> lavrec -i P -w -f a -d 1 -q 77 -a 16 -r 44100 -l -1 -R l -c 2 -t
> 100000 -T 1 -n 32 -b 256 -s --max-file-size 1900
> /home/norik/Desktop/%09.avi
That command lookes correct.

> I was trying to convert with:
> lav2yuv $1 | yuvdenoise | yuvscaler -O DVD | mpeg2enc -f 8 -q 4 -s -o
> video_tmp.m2v
What output do you get when you run lavinfo $1 ?
The important lines are the first 3, you should get a output like that:
> lavinfo file.eli

>    INFO: [yuvscaler] End of stream!
>    INFO: [yuvscaler] Normal exit: end of stream with frame number 0!
>    INFO: [mpeg2enc] Signaling last frame = -1
>    INFO: [mpeg2enc] GOP start (0 frames)
>    INFO: [mpeg2enc] Guesstimated final muxed size = 4
Seems that there is a problem with the video. You see that there is a
problem it does not decode any file. 

What I miss is the lav2yuv output when you start decoding. 
Can you start the encoding once with: lav2yuv -v 2 $1 ....
and post the output, you should get a bunch of messages from lav2yuv.

> After that mpeg createion not continued, but only audio :)
That is strange.

> I searched through the list and found an advice to use -M 0 with
> mpeg2enc, however that didn't help, and after that I removed -q
> parameter, I removed yuvdenoise but unsuccessfully.
That ist not the problem here because yuvscaler does not get any frame. 

You have the same problem here too:
>    INFO: [y4mscaler] Frame number 0
>    INFO: [y4mscaler] End of stream at frame 0.

> And besides when I playing captured files with mplayer, it tells me
> that file is bad interleaved

> localhost 2 # mplayer -identify 000000001.avi
> SwScaler: BICUBIC scaler, from Planar 422P to Planar YV12 using MMX
> VO: [xv] 768x576 => 768x576 Planar YV12
> A:   1.5 V:   0.6 A-V:  0.901 ct:  0.060  16/ 16 273%  8% 61.1% 15 0 28%
> Badly interleaved AVI file detected - switching to -ni mode...
> A:   3.5 V:   1.5 A-V:  2.006 ct:  0.152  39/ 39 220%  3% 25.9% 38 0 27%
Unlikely that the mjpeg AVI has a problem. I don'the see that error in
the cvs version of mplayer I use. 

Does mplayer work ? 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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