2009/7/18 Garvan & maew <garvan.m...@online.com.kh>

>  Did anyone else notice this problem before? Were you able to reproduce
>> it? If it helps, I can prepare a map that will have a routing problem
>> just at the edge (there's a biking tunnel that MapSource avoids, no
>> matter how hard I try, while letting mkgmap render the map without a
>> boundary, the tunnel works just fine).
>> Let me know if you need the map/script/other stuff to reproduce it.
> I have been experimenting with maps with only one tile, but I did notice
> the misalignment of the map selection box and the detailed map in mapsource.
> I assumed it was a rounding issue between the detailed map and the overview
> map which are at different scales, and never thought to report it as an
> issue. For a large map it is almost unnoticeable, but for a small sample it
> can be completely wrong. For small maps what I did was increased the size of
> the bounding box in the osm file, and the alignment problem was fixed, or no
> longer a problem, because the box was bigger than the tile.
> One reason why others have not reported this may be because they do not use
> mapsource or QLandKarteGT.  Those with external storage GPSr may never have
> seen this misalignment. Or like me, they just adjusted the boundaries.
> Garvan
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Garvan, IMHO you misconcept real boundary overlay with the overview map
overlay. There is in my opinion a problem that overview maps sometimes get
created smaller than the actual map (i.e. when using gmaptool to create the
mp overview map). I don't use mkgmap for overview map creation  because it
long was pretty buggy. Then in Mapsource maps will be cut off, while the
data actually continues.

Try a huge overview map (i.e. whole of europe) with your maps, to see if it
is not an overview map problem instead of a real map data failure.
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