Hi Ticker,

This is exactly what I did experience last night:

/I've just loaded TYPViewer and used it to convert latest
mapnik.txt to mapnik.typ. It seemed quite happy to do this, but when
using TYPViewer to read back the .typ file, it gives the errors:
Error while reading polygon 0x03d/00 : Error #9   Description:
Subscript out of range/

Although I admit: it was too late in the evening, had been watching
Corona-tv and had a few drinks.

What I did (don't ask me why...) is:
1. Open "mapnik.txt" in TYPViewer
2. Edit: Type=0x3d
3. Update Colors, Day and Night: from #000000 to #FFFFFF
*4. Different Colors for Night = yes (!!!)
5. Different Colors for Night = NO (!!!)*
6. Save
7. Done

This - the "toggle" - Resolved Error #9.

My suggestion:
Send me the complete - patched - "mapnik.txt" file and I have a seventh
I will return it once it's okay for me (no Error #9 after "read back") and
perhaps we are done then.
We might even be happy.
But no promises I will act tonight.


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