Machine Learning List: Vol. 16, No. 15
                        Monday, October 18, 2004

  Calls for Papers/Participation
    Third VIPS Advanced School on Computer Vision
    Workshop on Verification, Validation, and Testing of Learning Systems
    Announcement: AAAI Symposium on Style and Meaning
    Call for Papers - FLAIRS 2005
    CFP: AI in Music and Art
    2nd Call for Papers - IIS:IIPWM'05
    EvoMUSART 2005 - 2nd CFP
    2nd CFP IEA/AIE-2005
    UM'05 - Second CFP
    ICML-2006 Call for Site Proposals
    AI05 - Call for papers
    CFP for the BICCIB'05: From Biology to Computers and Back
    Call for AAMAS 2005 Conference Workshop Proposals
    CFP: SDM-05 Workshop on Feature Selection for Data Mining
    CFP: AIME-2005
  Career Opportunities
    Postdoctoral position
    Research Associate in Link Discovery at University of Bristol
    Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computational Perception
    1 PhD/1 Post Doc position - IBM Research Lab - Zurich
  Miscellaneous Announcements
    proceedings from Learning Theory Conf at cheap prices

The Machine Learning List is moderated.  Contributions should be
relevant to the scientific study of machine learning. Please send
submissions for distribution to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For requests to be
added, removed, or to change your email address, send email to:

To keep mailings to a manageable size, please keep submissions brief.
For meeting announcements, do highlight the meeting Web site and the
goals of the event but omit information such as the program committee
and talk schedules. Also, only first calls for papers/participation
and brief change of deadline announcements will be included. The ML
List moderator reserves the right to omit/edit submissions to meet
these criteria.


From: Marco Cristani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Third VIPS Advanced School on Computer Vision
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 16:35:03 +0200 (MET DST)

                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

          Third VIPS Advanced School on Computer Vision, 
             Pattern Recognition and Image Processing

                        November 15-19,2004
                   Department of Computer Science
                    University of Verona, Italy

This school is the third of a series of intensive courses, aimed at
PhD students and researchers in the areas of Computer Vision, Image
Processing and Pattern Recognition.  It is organized and sponsored by
the Vision, Image Processing and Sound Laboratory of the Department of
Computer Science, University of Verona. The course consists in about
20 hours of lectures, spanning a working week, so that attendees can
install a more productive interaction with the lecturer. On request,
final exam may be agreed with the lecturer.

Course Title: Introduction to Bayesian Inference and Statistical Learning

Lecturer: Prof. Mario A. T. Figueiredo 
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering  
Instituto Superior Tcnico (IST), Lisbon, Portugal  


1) Applicants who'd like to partecipate must send an e-mail to
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] before October 18, 2004, asking for the
   partecipation to the school.

2) Our organization will check the availability (max 50 partecipants),
   replying in positive case with the registration form with payment 

3) That registration form should be filled and sent to
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] before October 25.

The registration fees: 
- 150 euro for PhD students and undergraduate.
- 200 euro for Post Doc, Researchers, and other people working directly in
  a university.
- 300 euro for everybody else. 

Check out the following website for further details and last-minute info:


From: Dragos Margineantu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Workshop on Verification, Validation, and Testing of Learning Systems
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2004 10:44:38 -0700


- a workshop in conjunction with the NIPS 2004 conference -
December 17/18, 2004; Whistler, BC

For details see

We invite contributions on the topics outlined below and on related
topics. The submissions can be anywhere between one page position
papers and eight-page full papers.

Compared to the attention given to the development of new learning
methods, our community has devoted only very little effort to developing
princlpled approaches for (1) assessing the goodness of complex systems
that contain learning components, (2) estimating the quality of outputs 
from learned models in the context of the problem that needs to be
addressed, (3) assessing online learning methods, (4) evaluating learning 
methods employed in safety-critical tasks, and for (5) understanding
the tradeoffs between robustness and risk in making complex decisions.

Learning has the potential to provide several key features to adaptive,
autonomous, and large scale systems: adaptability to changing environments, 
capability of processing different types of sensor data, and addressing 
multiple objectives in parallel - to name just a few. In the meantime, 
most of these systems require a reliable deployment and operation. In
other words, for most applications, in order to be deployed, learning
components need to be proven as trustable to the users (engineers,
designers, quality control specialists). Failures of these systems can
occur and will occur, regardless of whether they contain learned or
learning components. Therefore, questions such as "what are the system 
in a certain region of the space?", or "what can be inferred (regarding 
future decisions) from observing the operation of a learning system?"
have deep ramifications and, and if answered can result in learning
technology having a deeper impact on newly developed systems.

The workshop aims to explore the requirements of practical applications
that make use of, or could benefit from learning methods - such as
adaptive flight control systems, autonomous navigation, health
management systems, neuroadaptive systems, robotics, or security.

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers and users
of learning and adaptive systems and to create a forum for discussing
recent advances in verification, validation, and testing of learning
systems, to understand better the practical requirements for developing
and deploying learning systems, and to inspire research on new methods
and techniques for verification, validation, and testing.

Submissions can be anywhere between one page position papers and
eight-page full papers. The following submission formats are suggested: 
postscript, PDF, MS Word, or ASCII; 10-12 pt. font, minimum 1 inch
(2.5cm) margins; the title of the paper, the name, the affiliation,
and the e-mail address of the each author should be listed at the
beginning of the first page. Submissions should be sent by e-mail 
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by October 20, 2004. Accepted
submissions will be posted on the workshop Web page and hard copies
will be distributed to participants.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dragos
Margineantu at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dragos Margineantu, Boeing, Mathematics and Computing Technology
Johann Schumann, RIACS / NASA Ames Research Center
Pramod Gupta, QSS Inc. / NASA Ames Research Center
Michael Drumheller, Boeing, Mathematics and Computing Technology


From: Shlomo Argamon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Announcement: AAAI Symposium on Style and Meaning
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 18:59:46 -0500

      CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: AAAI 2004 Fall Symposium
        Style and Meaning in Language, Art, Music, and Design
     October 21-24 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Washington, D.C
In recent years a growing number of researchers working in artificial
intelligence, cognitive science, computer graphics, computer music, 
and multimedia have begun to explicitly address issues of 'style' or
connotative semantics in their work.  Work in all media shares the
complex problem of formalizing a notion of style, and developing a
modeling language that supports the representation of differing styles.

The goal of this symposium is to bring style researchers together to
seek out common frameworks for discussion.  It will provide a unique
meeting ground for researchers and practitioners in all media that share
the problem of formalizing a notion of style, generating discourse
between diverse forms and approaches.  We thus hope to move towards
better understanding style in all its manifestations, with an eye to
developing computational models and tools for dealing with it.

To facilitate interaction among participants, the symposium will
include, in addition to a number of "traditional" research paper
presentations: (a) invited talks by leading figures in style research,
(b) brief tutorials on work in individual media, and (c) panel
discussions discussing various practical issues in research on style.

To register, please download the registration brochure at:
Registration is also available on-line:
Reduced hotel rates are available until September 27 at:

FOR MORE INFORMATION, please contact:
Shlomo Argamon (co-chair), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Shlomo Dubnov (co-chair), [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Call for Papers - FLAIRS 2005
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 09:33:01 -0400

                  FLAIRS 2005: FINAL Call for Papers
               The 18th International FLAIRS Conference

                        The Adam's Mark Hotel
                         Clearwater Beach, FL
                           May 16-18, 2005

                Submission Deadline: October 22, 2004


The 18th International FLAIRS conference seeks high quality, original,
unpublished submissions in all areas of Artificial Intelligence, including,
but not limited to, neural networks, autonomous agents, case-based
reasoning, computer vision, data mining, emotional intelligence, expert
systems, genetic algorithms, intelligent user interfaces, intelligent
tutoring systems, knowledge representation and management, learning,
automated reasoning, multi-agent systems, natural language processing,
planning, uncertainty reasoning, robotics, semantic web, speech recognition,
temporal reasoning, AI and the Web, AI applications, AI and education, and

Papers will be refereed and all accepted papers will appear in the
conference proceedings which will be published by AAAI Press. Selected
authors will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to
a special issue of the International Journal on Artificial Intelligence 
Tools to be published in 2006.

The deadline for paper submission is October 22, 2004. Additional details
on paper submission are available at 
For questions regarding submission, contact program co-chair, Zdravko
Markov at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Ingrid Russell at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Twenty special tracks are being planned for the conference. For additional
information on the special tracks, consult the special tracks web page at:

For general information about FLAIRS 2005, contact the conference general
chairs, Diane Cook at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Larry Holder at 


Subject: CFP: AI in Music and Art
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 00:49:28 -0400 (EDT)

            Artificial Intelligence in Music and Art
    Special Track of the 18th International FLAIRS Conference
           Clearwater Beach, Florida, May 16-18, 2005

              Submission Deadline: October 22, 2004

This special track will provide an international forum for researchers, 
scientists, and practitioners to present results from on-going AI work
in the fields of Music and Art. The objective of this track is to
foster the creation, refinement and transfer of such ideas, and to
promote their cross-fertilization over all AI paradigms and relevant
application domains.

We invite original and unpublished contributions on AI applications in
the analysis, composition, generation, interpretation, performance,
evaluation, classification, and data mining of artifacts from various
creative endeavors and fields, such as visual art, graphics, video,
music, sounds, architecture, design of physical artifacts, sculpture,
literature, poetry, etc.

Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and included in
the FLAIRS 2005 conference proceedings, published by AAAI Press. 
Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit extended versions
to a special issue on AI Tools in Music and Art to appear in the
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools published by 
World Scientific.

Penousal Machado
ISEC, Portugal
University of Coimbra, Portugal

Bill Manaris
College of Charleston, USA



From: IIS:IIPWM'05 Conference <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 2nd Call for Papers - IIS:IIPWM'05
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 12:53:43 +0300


   New Trends in Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining
                   Gdansk, Poland, June 13-16, 2005


Papers on artificial immune systems, search engines, computational 
linguistics, knowledge discovery, and related subjects are particularly 


We envisage publication in the Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence. The volume will contain full papers, as 
well as papers accepted for poster presentation.

Important Dates: 

November 2, 2004 - extended deadline for paper submissions
June 13, 2005 - the Conference starts

Paper Submission and Publication:


From: Juan Jesus Romero Cardalda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: EvoMUSART 2005 - 2nd CFP
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2004 02:00:12 +0200 (CEST)

Third European Workshop on Evolutionary Music and Art

30 March - 1 April 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland

EuroGP Web site:
EvoMUSART2005 Web site:

The application of evolutionary computation techniques for development 
of creative systems is a new, exciting and significant area of research. 
There is a growing interest in the application of these techniques in
fields such as: art and music generation, analysis and interpretation;
architecture; and design.

EvoMUSART 2005 is the third workshop of the EvoNet working group on
Evolutionary Music and Art. Following the success of previous events, the
main goal of EvoMUSART 2005 is to bring together researchers who are using
Evolutionary Computation in this context, providing the opportunity to
promote, present and discuss ongoing work in the area.

The event includes a exhibition and demonstration Session, giving an
opportunity for the presentation of evolutionary art and music in an
informal environment. The submission of works for the demonstration
session is independent from the submission of papers.

The workshop will be held from 30 March to 1 April 2005 in Lausanne,
Switzerland, as part of the EuroGP&EvoCOP2005 event.

Accepted papers will be presented orally at the workshop and included in
the EuroGP2005 conference proceedings, published by Springer Verlag in the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

The papers should include original and unpublished contributions related
to the use of evolutionary computation in the analysis, generation, and 
interpretation of art and music. Topics of interest include, but are
not limited to, generation, analysis and interpretation, computer-aided
creativity, and theory.


Submission: 5 November 2004
Notification: 10 December 2004
Camera ready: 14 January 2004
Workshop: 30 March - 1 April 2005


Juan Romero
University of A Coruna, Spain

Penousal Machado
Centre for Informatics and Systems, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra, Portugal


From: N. Fanizzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 2ndCFP IEA/AIE-2005
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 16:05:28 +0200

Eighteenth International Conference on
Industrial & Engineering Applications of
Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems

    June 22-25, 2005
    Dipartimento di Informatica
    Universita degli Studi di Bari, Italy

Sponsored by:
    International Society of Applied Intelligence

Organized in Cooperation with:

IEA/AIE 2005 continues the tradition of emphasizing applications of
artificial intelligence and knowledge-based systems to solve real-life
problems in all areas including, engineering, science, industry,
automation & robotics, business and finance, medicine & biomedicine,
bioinformatics, cyberspace, and man-machine interactions.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   - Adaptive Control                      - Intelligent Interfaces
   - Applications to Design                - Intelligent Education Systems 
   - Applications to Manufacturing         - Internet Applications
   - Autonomous Agents                     - KBS Methodology
   - BioInformatics                        - Knowledge Management
   - Case-based Reasoning                  - Knowledge Processing
   - Computer Vision                       - Machine Learning
   - Constraint Satisfaction               - Model-based Reasoning
   - Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery     - Natural Language Processing
   - Decision Support                      - Neural Networks
   - Distributed Problem Solving           - Planning and Scheduling
   - Expert Systems                        - Reasoning Under Uncertainty
   - Fuzzy Logic                           - Spatial Reasoning
   - Genetic Algorithms                    - Speech Recognition
   - Genetic Programming                   - System Integration
   - Heuristic Search                      - Real Life Applications
   - Human-Robot Interaction               - Temporal Reasoning


Papers submission deadline: November 8, 2004
Notification of review results: January 17, 2005
Final paper submission deadline: February 25, 2005


Moonis Ali, Professor
General Chair of IEA/AIE-2004
Texas State University-San Marcos

Floriana Esposito, Professor
Program Chair of IEA/AIE-2005
Universita degli Studi di Bari

Program Co-Chairs:
Donato Malerba, Giovanni Semeraro

Organizing Committee:
Nadia de Carolis, Nicola Fanizzi, Stefano Ferilli


From: Nicolas Van Labeke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: UM'05 - Second CFP
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 12:15:08 +0100

10th International Conference on User Modeling, UM'05

Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 24-29 July, 2005


The International User Modeling Conferences represent the central forum
for the discussion and presentation of research and industry results in
the development of personalized systems, as well as basic research about
personalization. In the last 25 years, the field of User Modeling has
produced significant new theories and methods to analyze and model
computer users in short and long-term interactions. Moreover, methods for
personalizing human-computer interaction based on user models have been
successfully developed, applied and evaluated in a number of domains, 
such as information filtering, e-commerce, adaptive natural language and
adaptive educational systems. New User Modeling topics are emerging,
including adaptation to user attitudes and affective states, personalized 
interaction in mobile, ubiquitous and context-aware computing and in
user interactions with embodied autonomous agents. User Modeling research 
is being influenced by different fields, such as artificial intelligence, 
human-computer interaction, cognitive psychology, linguistics, and 
education, as well as by newly emerging links with customer relationship 
management and technologies such as Web services and the semantic Web.

UM'05 invites submissions of papers and posters, workshop and tutorial
proposals, and participation in the doctoral consortium. All submissions 
will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, significance,
soundness and clarity. Three referees will review each submission.


Preliminary workshop proposals: November 15, 2004 (see below)
Papers and posters: November 22, 2004
Tutorial proposals: December 6, 2004
Final workshop proposals: December 6, 2004 (see below)
Doctoral Consortium Papers: January 28, 2005
Papers/Posters Notification: January 28, 2005
Camera-Ready Versions Submission: February 28, 2005
Workshop Papers Submission: March 7, 2005
Conference: 24-29 July, 2005


Workshop proposals should provide sufficient information to judge the
importance, quality, and benefits for the research community. Each
workshop should have one or more chairs and a program committee. Proposals
should be 2-4 pages long and should provide the following information:

* Title of the proposed workshop.
* Names and addresses, including contact details, of the workshop chair(s).
* A brief description of the workshop topic and goals, its relevance to 
  UM'05 and significance for the research field.
* A description of the target audience, areas from which the participants 
  are expected to come, strategy for publicizing the workshop, number of 
  expected participants, names of potential attendees (if known).
* Arrangements for the organization of the workshop, including length 
  (half day or one day) and a brief outline of the workshop describing 
  anticipated format and possible session names.
* Names, addresses, and home page links of people who have agreed to be 
  part of the workshop program committee if the workshop proposal is 
  accepted.  This list should preferably include people from at least 
  three different sites.
* A brief description of the organizers experience and background in the 
  topic, and links to web pages of the workshop chairs.


Workshops should be submitted via e-mail (either plain text or pdf format)
to both UM'05 workshop chairs:

Vania Dimitrova ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and

with a subject line of: UM05 Workshop Proposal

Workshop organizers are encouraged to submit a preliminary workshop
proposal containing a brief outline of the workshop which will be used
to identify possible overlap of workshop topics and, in this case,
cooperation and joint workshop organization may be suggested.


For further information about workshop organization check the conference
web site: 


From: Thomas Dietterich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ICML-2006 Call for Site Proposals
Date: Sun,  3 Oct 2004 13:14:42 -0700

                        CALL FOR SITE PROPOSALS
In the summer of 2006, the International Conference on Machine Learning
will be held.  The purpose of this call is to invite groups interested
in hosting the conference to submit proposals. The group selected to
host the conference will work with a Program Chair and Conference Chair
chosen by the Board of the International Machine Learning Society (IMLS).

Proposals should address the following issues:

1. Proposed Dates.  The conference should be scheduled for four days
   (one day reserved for workshops and tutorials; three days for paper
   sessions, poster sessions, and invited talks).  The conference
   prefers dates in the range from June 15 to July 15, but other dates
   will be considered, particularly if they permit co-location with
   other conferences.

2. Locale Parameters.  

   - Accessibility.  Is it easy and inexpensive for people (especially
     graduate students) to travel to the conference site?  (Compute
     mean airfares from Europe, North America, and Asia.  Include ground
     transportation from relevant airports to the site.)

   - Meeting Rooms, AV Equiment, etc.  What are the physical facilities
     like?  Consider rooms for plenary sessions, parallel sessions,
     workshops, tutorials, and poster sessions.  What are the charges,
     if any, for using them?

   - Meals and Lodging.  Is there low-cost, quality housing available
     for attendees (especially graduate students)?  How far from the
     meeting rooms?  Where will attendees eat?  Please estimate costs
     for meals and lodging.

   - Demo facilities.  Will there be computing equipment and space
     available to support demos?

   - Internet access.  Is wired or wireless internet access available?
     At what cost?

   - Other features.  You may mention any other aspects of the site or
     the region that are relevant.

3. Local Machine Learning Community.  Is there a local machine learning
   group/community that can help with organization and funding?

4. Opportunities to co-locate with other conferences.  

5. Organizational and Institutional Support.  Is there a conference
   office that can help with local arrangements?

Proposals (postscript or PDF) should be sent before November 15, 2004 to

Tom Dietterich, President IMLS

Proposals will be ranked according to cost and accessibility, proposed
dates, opportunities for co-location, attractiveness of the location,
and experience of the host group. Preference will be given to locations 
in eastern North America in accordance with the ICML policy of rotating 
among eastern North America, western North America, and outside North
America.  However, proposals from other regions will be considered,
especially if they offer good opportunities for co-location with other
relevant conferences.


From: Balazs Kegl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AI05 - Call for papers
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 15:29:47 -0400

                        AI05 - CALL FOR PAPERS
                            May 9-11, 2005
                         Victoria,BC, Canada

                Full paper submission due: 8 Dec 2004

AI'2005, the eighteenth Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 
invites papers that present original work in all areas of artificial
intelligence, either theoretical or applied such as

   Natural Language                 Agent and Multiagent Systems
   Machine Learning                 User Modeling
   Search                           AI and
   Constraint Satisfaction             Smart Graphics
   Knowledge Representation            E-Commerce
   Planning                            Information Processing
   Automated Reasoning                 Bioinformatics
   Neural Nets                         Web Applications
   Reasoning under Uncertainty         Education
   Data Mining                         Games
   Robotics                            Manufacturing

Papers will be reviewed by the program committee members and judged
according to their originality, technical merit and clarity of
presentation. Papers will be accepted according to two categories:
full papers or poster papers (with fewer pages allotted in the
proceedings). All accepted papers for which one of the authors will
have registered to the conference will be published in the conference
proceedings as Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence -
Springer-Verlag. A best paper will be awarded at the conference.


Authors are invited to submit, before Dec 8th 2004, full papers in
PDF, Postscript or MS-Word RTF electronically at the conference web
site. Papers of up to 15 pages in length must be formatted according
to Springer LNCS style. Use of the LaTeX2e style file available from
Springer is strongly encouraged.

Program Chairs:

Guy Lapalme and Balazs Kegl
Department of Computer Science and Operations Research
University of Montreal


From: Lukasz Kurgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP for the BICCIB'05: From Biology to Computers and Back
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 17:58:56 -0600

Call for Papers

BICCIB'05: From Biology to Computers and Back
International Conference on Biologically Inspire
  Computing and Computers in Biology
Co-sponsored by the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society

Banff, Alberta, Canada
May 10-12, 2005

BICCIB'05 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to present
the latest achievements and innovations in the areas of biologically
inspired computing and computers in biology. Biological systems of interest
include life at all scales: from building blocks through individual
organisms to societies.  This  unique  combination of the two broad
research fields will stimulate thought-provoking discussions about new
developments and challenges, and will contribute to their future synergies.

TOPICS of interest include, but are not limited to:
  Biologically Inspired Computing
   - Reinforcement Learning
   - Neural Networks
   - Evolutionary Computing
   - Artificial Immune Systems
   - Swarms and Collective Systems
   - Cognitive Modelling
  Computers in Biology
   - Computational Biology
   - Genomics
   - Proteomics
   - Intelligent Diagnostic and Support Systems
   - E-health
   - Robotics
  Biological Applications
   - Computational Intelligence
   - Machine Learning
   - Data Mining
   - Knowledge Discovery
   - Agent-based Systems
   - Fuzzy Systems

  Special Topic Session proposals due:   December 10, 2004
  Submissions due:                         January 7, 2005
  Notification of Acceptance:            February 18, 2005
  Final Papers and Early Registration:      March 18, 2005


We invite the submission of proposals for special topic sessions.
Proposals to organize such sessions should include the name and address 
of the proposer(s), title of the session, and a brief description 
of the session Each special session will have at least five paper
presentations. The special session chairs will be responsible for
soliciting the papers, reviewing, and making final decisions, in
consultation with the conference chairs. The description of the
session should include a short description on how the session will 
be advertised. Email your proposal to the Organization Chair, Loren
Wyard-Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

For more information, see


From: Matthias Klusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Call for AAMAS 2005 Conference Workshop Proposals
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 15:43:14 +0200


           Fourth International Joint Conference on

         Utrecht University, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
                       July 25-29, 2005


The AAMAS-2005 Organising Committee invites proposals for the workshop
program, to be held immediately before to the technical conference
(July, 25-26).

The main goal of the AAMAS-2005 workshops is to stimulate and
facilitate an active exchange, interaction and comparison of
approaches, methods, and ideas about specific (both theoretical
and applicative) topics on the Agents and Multi-Agent Systems domain.
Workshops should be organized so that an informal and participated
discussion among attendees is guaranteed. Members from all areas
of the AAMAS community are invited to submit workshop proposals
for review. Workshops on new emerging topics or specific relevant
aspects of consolidated ones are particularly encouraged.

Workshops can vary in length, but most will last a full day.
Workshop organizers and attendees must register for their workshop
and possibly for the main AAMAS conference.


Proposal Submission Deadline: December 20, 2004
Acceptance Notification: January 10, 2005
Deadline for submitting of contributions to workshops: March 14, 2005
Acceptance Notifications of contributions to workshops: April 18, 2005
AAMAS-05 Workshops: July 25 - 26, 2005

More info at

Please send proposals (in ASCII) and inquiries via email to:
Rino Falcone - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: fsdm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: SDM-05 Workshop on Feature Selection for Data Mining -
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 23:30:49 -0700

International Workshop on Feature Selection for Data Mining -
Interfacing Machine Learning and Statistics

in conjunction with 2005 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining,
April 23, 2005, Newport Beach, California

The workshop website:

Knowledge discovery and data mining is a multidisciplinary effort to 
mine nuggets of knowledge from data. The increasingly large data sets
from many application domains have posed unprecedented challenges to
knowledge discovery; in the meantime, new types of data are evolving 
such as Web, text, and microarray data. Research in computer science,
engineering, and statistics confront similar issues in feature selection, 
and we see a pressing need for interdisciplinary exchange and discussion 
of ideas. We anticipate that our collaborations will shed new lights
on research directions and approaches, and lead to breakthroughs.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers from different
disciplines and further the collaborative research in feature selection.
Feature selection is an essential step in successful data mining
applications. Feature selection has practical significance in many areas
such as statistics, pattern recognition, machine learning, and data
mining (including Web, text, image, and microarrays). The objectives of
feature selection include: building simpler and more comprehensible
models, improving data mining performance, and helping to prepare,
clean, and understand data. Some representative workshop topics and
associated research issues are, but not limited to, the following:

Feature ranking, Subset selection, Dimensionality reduction, Feature
construction, Improving data mining performance, Issues with data types
and sizes, Selection for labeled and unlabeled data, Modeling variable
and feature selection, Evaluation measures, Search methods, Selection
bias, Sampling methods, Model selection, Case studies and applications,
Streaming data reduction, Comparative studies, Integration with data
mining algorithms, Emerging challenges

Workshop Chairs:
Huan Liu, Arizona State University
Robert Stine, University of Pennsylvania
Leonardo Auslender, SAS Institute

Proceedings Chair:
Lei Yu, Arizona State University

The deadline for submission: January 7, Friday

The accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings and
will be considered for a special issue in a prestigious journal.


From: Silvia Miksch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: AIME-2005
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 00:04:26 +0200

         Call for Papers, Workshops, and Tutorials for the 
      Tenth Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

                 July 24 - 27, 2005, Aberdeen, UK


                    Co-located with IJCAI-2005


Original contributions are sought regarding the development of theory,
techniques, and applications of AI in Medicine, including the evaluation
of health care programmes. Contributions to theory may include presentation
or analysis of the properties of novel AI methodologies potentially useful
to solve medical problems. Papers on techniques should describe the 
development or the extension of AI methods and their implementation,
and discuss the assumptions and limitations of the proposed methods.
Application papers should describe the implementation of AI systems
to solve significant medical problems, and should present sufficient
information to allow evaluation of the practical benefits of the system.

The scope of the conference includes the following areas:
* Knowledge Acquisition, Representation, Refinement, Validation, Maintenance
* Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
* Decision Support Systems
* Neural Networks and Belief Networks
* Reasoning under Uncertainty
* Temporal Representation and Reasoning
* Case-Based Reasoning
* Planning and Scheduling 
* Protocols and Guidelines
* Information Retrieval
* Natural Language Generation and Understanding
* Computer Vision and Imaging 
* Signal Interpretation
* Intelligent Agents  
* Telemedicine and Cooperative Systems
* Cognitive Modelling

Submissions Overview

There are two categories of paper submission: 
1. Full research papers (up to 10 pages)
2. Short papers (up to 5 pages) that are a short reasearch paper, a 
   demonstration of implemented systems, or late-breaking results

Papers should be formatted according to Springer's LNCS format (see or
Authors are strongly encouraged to submit the papers electronically,
following the instructions provided in the conference web page (see below).

All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings which will
be published as part of Springer's Lecture Notes in AI series. In addition,
the authors of the best submissions will be invited to expand their papers 
for possible publication in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.

As in previous AIME conferences, proposals for the organisation of tutorials
and satellite workshops are sought regarding any of the above topic areas. 


Proposals for Tutorials: We February 9, 2005
Proposals for Workshops: We February 9, 2005
Electronic Draft Abstract Submission Deadline: We February 2, 2005
Electronic Paper Submission Deadline: We February 9, 2005
Notification of Acceptance: We April 6, 2005
Camera-Ready Copy Deadline: We April 27, 2005 
For more details about the conference consult:

Silvia Miksch, Vienna, Austria (Programme Committee Chair)
Jim Hunter, Aberdeen, United Kingdom (Organizing Committee Chair)


From: Lutz Hamel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Postdoctoral position
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 10:48:08 -0400


NASA-funded postdoctoral fellowship is available starting after January 
2005 for a period of up to three years (initial appointment is for one
year and renewed based on satisfactory performance) in the laboratory
of J. Peter Gogarten, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology,
University of Connecticut. This is a collaborative interdisciplinary
project between Gogarten's lab and the lab of Lutz Hamel, Computer
Science and Statistics Department, University of Rhode Island to
improve and develop new tools for analyses of microbial genomes based
on unsupervised machine learning techniques, and to work on
deciphering early evolution of life as provided in molecular record.

The successful candidate should be a highly motivated individual with a
Ph.D. in molecular evolution, computational biology, bioinformatics, or a
related area, with programming experience, experience with phylogenetic
analyses and at least working knowledge of the UNIX operating system and
databases.  Some background in mathematics and/or statistics is a plus.

Salary is $35,000 plus benefits.

Send CV, key publications, a brief statement of research interests and
career goals, and the names of at least two referees (or two letters of
reference) to:

Prof. J. Peter Gogarten
Dept. of Molecular and Cell Biology
University of Connecticut
Unit 3125,
91 North Eagleville Road
Storrs CT 06269-3125 USA
Phone: (860) 486-4061


Dr. Lutz Hamel
Dept. of Computer Science & Statistics
Tyler Hall
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881 USA

University of Connecticut is an equal opportunity employer.  This position
will remain opened until filled.


From: Peter Flach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Research Associate in Link Discovery at University of Bristol
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 11:57:52 +0100

Research Associate (ref. 10686) - Department of Computer Science

We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate to work on a project
within Computer Science, which forms part of a wider programme of
Government-funded research within the University.

In particular, this project will develop innovative methods to derive
useful, relevant knowledge from large quantities of interrelated 
data, and to highlight atypical patterns. This involves collating
heterogeneous data from different sources, linking the data together,
and extracting useful knowledge that answers the user's information
needs. The project will use advanced methods from artificial intelligence, 
data mining, statistics and psychology to disclose the underlying
knowledge structure of heterogeneous data.

You should have a PhD, or equivalent, in computer science, statistics
or related fields. A background or interest in experimental psychology
would be advantageous, but is not essential.

Grade: Grade 2
Salary: GBP 27,116

Contact for informal enquiries:
Professor P Flach  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel. +44 117 954 5162
Professor G Nason  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel. +44 117 928 8633

Timescale of appointment:
Contract: Fixed term for four years.
Anticipated interview date: 22 November 2004
Closing date for applications:  9.00 am on 27 October 2004

More information and on-line application form:


From: Gerhard Widmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computational Perception
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 15:09:26 +0200



The newly founded Department of Computational Perception at the Johannes 
Kepler University Linz, Austria, headed by Prof. Gerhard Widmer, has
an open position for a

   Full-time Assistant Professor (Universit?¤tsassistent)
   at the post-doctoral level, with a contract limited to 4-6 years.


- a doctorate in computer science or a related field

- research experience in one or several of the following areas:
  Artificial/Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning,
  Sensor Data Interpretation and Signal Analysis,
  Intelligent Audio/Video/Image Processing,
  Intelligente Data Analysis, Time Series Processing, Pattern Recognition.

The candidate is expected to build up his/her own research program,
to be active in the acquisition of research funding, and to contribute
to the department's teaching and administration.


Fluency in German is not a prerequisite, but at least a passive command of
the German language would be beneficial. Excellent English is required.
Teaching can be done in English for the first one or two years.


Prof. Gerhard Widmer
Tel.: +43 - 732 - 2468 1510

Women are particularly encouraged to apply and will be given priority
in case of equal qualification.

The OFFICIAL ANNOUNCMENT (in German) can be found at .


Please direct your application with relevant documents (CV, picture,
publications list / sample publications, copies of academic documents) to:

  Personalabteilung der Zentralen Dienste der Universit?¤t Linz
  A-4040 Linz/Auhof

and make sure to refer to Anzeigennummer 1148 (ID of this announcement)
in your cover letter. The application can be written in English.


From: Andre Elisseeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 1 PhD/1 Post Doc position - IBM Research Lab - Zurich
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 10:53:18 +0200

PhD/Post Doc position - IBM Research Lab - Zurich, Switzerland
Algorithm Design for Sequential Decision Making Systems

The machine learning team of the IBM Research Lab in Zurich is
looking for students for one PhD position and one Post-doc
position in the area of machine learning, artificial intelligence,
statistics, and/or related fields.

The candidate would work on designing and developing new
approaches for sequential/temporal data with applications to
marketing and medical data analysis. She/he will be integrated in
a scientific environment where academic publications and real data
analysis are the main activities. It is expected that the
candidate has a strong understanding of advanced statistical
algorithms and is ready to get into the implementation of the
techniques that she/he will develop in the group.

The IBM Research Lab in Zurich is located in Rueschlikon (15min.
away from the center of Zurich). The official language of the lab
is English. See for more information about the
lab and its surroundings.

Introduction to the research topic:

With the advent of the information technology era, companies and
institutions have recorded a lot of data: hospitals have gathered
historical records of patients with the evolution of their disease, 
web companies are monitoring how visitors move from pages to pages,
even video game programmers start to look at how players interact with
the game. In all those situations, the data is used to analyze how the
patient, the visitor or the gamer will react to some action/decision
that the doctor/company or game might make.  As the number of records
and the complexity of real problems increase, this analytical process
tends to be performed more and more by machines. This has led to the
invention of sequential decision making techniques which use a
database of historical records to build a statistical model of the
environment (e.g.  patient, visitor or gamer) and to find the optimal
set of actions to be taken in the future. Although such techniques
have been used in a large domain of applications, no generic solution
can be taken off the shelves. Designing sequential decision making
algorithms that can take into account application specific constraints
is an ongoing research subject and is the main topic of our team.

Please send your application by email (C.V. including a cover
letter) to:
 Andre Elisseeff ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Abderrahim Labbi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 IBM Research Lab, Zurich Saumerstrasse 4, CH-8803 Rueschlikon

Closing date for all applications by email or post:
 Friday 29th October 2004.

Note: the starting dates of the positions will be defined according to
the candidate's possibilities.


From: William Gasarch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: proceedings from Learning Theory Conf at cheap prices
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2004 17:13:32 -0400 (EDT)

As most of you know, Carl Smith has passed away. I am dealing with
his books. I would like to give his old proceedings (some of them he
has LOTS of copies of) to people who would use them.

Below is a list of what he has.

I have to cover cost of mailing SO

Domestic: mail costs is $5.00 (this is more than it costs, but see next)

Foreign:  mail cost is $5.00 Ithis is less than it costs, but I'm hoping
that the domestic helps to subsidize it.)

If you can come by and just get it, then I'll charge only $1.00 (to help
subsidize foriegn mail).

SO here is what you do if you want an item:

1) EMAIL me that you want it and I will reserve it for you.

2) Send me a check for $5.00 to: 

   William Gasarch
   Dept of Computer Science
   University of Maryland at College Park
   College Park, MD, 20742

OR use paypal (my email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED])

3) Once I receive payment I will mail it to you.

Proceedings of the 10th COLT (1997)
Proceedings of the 14th COLT/
Proceedings of the 5th EUROCOLT (2001)
(These were in the same book)

Proceedings of the 16th COLT/
Proceedings of the 7th Kernel Workshop (2003)
(these are in the same book)
Have LOTS of these.

Proceedings of the 1997 EUROCOLT Conference

Proceedings of AII (Analogical and Inductive Inference) 1986
Proceedings of AII (Analogical and Inductive Inference) 1989
Proceedings of AII (Analogical and Inductive Inference) 1992

Proceedings of ALT (Algorithmic Learning Theory) 1993
Proceedings of ALT (Algorithmic Learning Theory) 1995
Proceedings of ALT (Algorithmic Learning Theory) 1996
Proceedings of ALT (Algorithmic Learning Theory) 1997
Proceedings of ALT (Algorithmic Learning Theory) 1998
Proceedings of ALT (Algorithmic Learning Theory) 2001

Proceedings of the ALT/AII conference 1994
(That year they combined.)

Proceedings of the Discovery Science Conference 2000
Proceedings of the Discovery Science Conference 2001
Proceedings of the Discovery Science Conference 2002

End of ML-LIST Digest Vol 16, No. 15

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