Machine Learning List: Vol. 16, No. 16
                       Friday, December 10, 2004

  Calls for Papers/Participation
    AI-2004, December 2004: Call for Participation
    ICML 2005, Germany - call for tutorial and workshop proposals
    AAMAS 2005 Conference: Final Call for Tutorial and Workshop
    CFP: Workshops at SIAM Data Mining
    MLJ special issue on Machine Learning and Games
    CFP: 2nd IEEE International Conf. on Autonomic Computing
    AKRR'05 - Adaptive Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    Euro-Par 2005 Topic 5 - Call for Papers
    ICCS-05 Cognitive Science Congress (San Sebastian, Spain)
    IDEAL-05: Call for Papers
    Special issue of Pattern Recognition Letters on ROC Analysis
    CfP 2005 ISF - Forecasting with Neural Networks
    A Special Journal Issue on Life Science Automation
    ICNC'05-FSKD'05 Call for Papers: Changsha China
    UAI 2005 Call for Papers
    IDA 2005 CFP
    UK-KDD Symposium'05 in Liverpool, UK
    JMLR Special Issue on Learning in Large Probabilistic Environments
    IICAI-05 Call for Papers
  Career Opportunities
    Machine learning position at Santa Cruz
    Research Fellowship Available
    PhD positions at ITU Copenhagen
  Miscellaneous Announcements
    CNS Graduate Programs Announcement
    Data Mining of Political Data
    Online version of GEP book: Chapter 4

The Machine Learning List is moderated. Contributions should be
relevant to the scientific study of machine learning. Please send
submissions for distribution to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For requests to be
added, removed, or to change your email address, send email to:

To keep mailings to a manageable size, please keep submissions brief.
For meeting announcements, do highlight the meeting Web site and the
goals of the event but omit information such as the program committee
and talk schedules. Also, only first calls for papers/participation
and brief change of deadline announcements will be included. The ML
List moderator reserves the right to omit/edit submissions to meet
these criteria.


From: Max Bramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AI-2004, December 2004: Call for Participation
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 19:43:08 +0100

SGAI: The British Computer Society Specialist Group on Artificial
Intelligence (an ECCAI Member Society)

AI-2004: Cambridge, England, December 13th-15th 2004

AI-2004 is the Twenty-fourth SGAI International Conference on
Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence.
The conference will begin with a preliminary day of tutorials on
'Intelligent Forecasting' (Andrew Ware and Hasan Al-Madfai), 'Untangling 
the Semantic Web' (Alun Preece), 'Recent Developments in Reinforcement
Learning' (Eduardo Alonso) and 'An Introduction to the Constraint
Paradigm' (Marc van Dongen and Barry O'Sullivan), plus the ninth UK
Case-Based Reasoning Workshop.

This will be followed by two days of refereed papers in two streams. 
The technical stream aims to present the best of recent developments
in AI, covering a wide range of technical areas. There will be sessions
on AI techniques, case-based and recommender systems, intelligent 
agents and scheduling systems, knowledge discovery in data and spatial
reasoning, image recognition and hypercubes. The application stream is
the largest annual showcase in Europe of real applications using AI
technology. This year's papers are divided into sessions on synthesis
and prediction, scheduling and search, diagnosis and monitoring,
classification and design, and analysis and evaluation. 

There will be invited keynote lectures by Noel Sharkey and Peter
Astheimer, as well as poster sessions and the third British Computer
Society's annual competition on 'progress towards machine intelligence'. 
There are reduced registration fees for students, members of SGAI and
other ECCAI member societies and members of NCAF.

Further details can be found on the conference website at or by emailing


From: Ina Lauth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ICML 2005 - call for tutorial and workshop proposals
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 18:40:02 +0100

ICML 2005 call for workshop and tutorial proposals below.
Submission deadlines: Dec 17, 2004 (workshops) - Feb 11, 2005

The 22nd International Conference On Machine Learning (ICML 2005)
August 7-11, 2005, Bonn, Germany
Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals

The ICML 2005 Organizing Committee invites proposals for workshops
and tutorials to be held at the 22nd International Conference on
Machine Learning (ICML 2005), which will take place August 7-11,
2005, in Bonn, Germany.  ICML 2005 will be co-located with ILP 2005
(15th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming,
August 10-13) and will closely follow the 19th International Joint 
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, July 30-August 5).
The ICML 2005 workshops and tutorials will be held on August 7 and 11.

Workshops provide organizers and participants with an opportunity to
focus intensively on a specific topic in machine learning. Workshops
can choose to concentrate on emerging research topics, but can also be
devoted to application issues, or to questions concerning the economic
and social aspects of machine learning. Proposals that aim at a
cross-fertilization between machine learning and one of the topics 
of the co-located conferences are particularly welcome.

Tutorials should provide an introduction and/or a review of the
state-of-the-art of a topic that is of interest to attendants of
a machine learning conference. These could be on particular research
topics within the two fields, but could also be on topics from other
research fields if the proposal makes clear why this is considered
to be an important topic for researchers from other areas. A tutorial 
must be broad enough to cover a research area in which there is a
significant publication activity in the community. Presentations 
that focus on the presenters' own research results or commercial
presentations are not eligible.

For practical information on the workshops and tutorials, and for
details on the submission procedure, see below or refer to the
detailed calls for workshops and tutorials that are available at

Workshop and tutorial proposals should be submitted in electronic form 
to Hendrik Blockeel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). 

Important Workshop Dates

    Dec 17, 2004        Proposal deadline
    Jan  7, 2005        Acceptance notification
    Jan 21, 2005        Publicity Materials Due
    Apr  1, 2005        WS Paper submission deadline
    Apr 22, 2005        Notification of participants
    May 13, 2005        WS final paper deadline
    May 20, 2005        Workshop notes due (on-line)

Important Tutorial Dates

    Feb 11, 2005        Proposal deadline
    Feb 28, 2005        Acceptance notification
    Mar 7, 2005         Tutorial abstracts due
    May 20, 2005        Tutorial notes due


From: Matthias Klusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AAMAS 2005 - Call for Tutorial and Workshop Proposals
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 18:24:57 +0200

FINAL CALL for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals,
and Special Industry Track Papers

       4th International Joint Conference AAMAS on
        Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems

                  July 25 - 29, 2005
         Utrecht University, The Netherlands


Important dates
  Workshop and Tutorial proposals due:  DECEMBER  20, 2004
  Industry track contributions due:     FEBRUARY  28, 2005

                    Call for TUTORIAL PROPOSALS

Tutorials should serve one or more of the following objectives:

* Introduce novices to major topics of AAMAS research.
* Provide instruction in established practices and methodologies.
* Survey a mature area of AAMAS research and/or practice.
* Motivate and explain an AAMAS topic of emerging importance.
* Introduce expert non-specialists to an AAMAS subarea.
* Survey an area of agent research especially relevant for people
  from industry

Proposals should be from two to four pages in length (for further
details see the Web page). All proposals should be submitted by
electronic mail to the Tutorial Chair, Onn Shehory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
in plain ASCII text.

Proposal Submission Deadline: December 20, 2004
Acceptance Notification: January 10, 2005
Deadline for submitting tutorial materials: April 10, 2005
AAMAS-05 Tutorials: July 25 - 26, 2005

                   Call for WORKSHOP PROPOSALS

The main goal of the AAMAS-2005 workshops is to stimulate and
facilitate an active exchange, interaction and comparison of
approaches, methods, and ideas about specific (both theoretical and
applicative) topics on the Agents and Multi-Agent Systems domain. 
Workshops should be organized so that an informal and participated
discussion among attendees is guaranteed. Members from all areas of
the AAMAS community are invited to submit workshop proposals for
review. Workshops on new emerging topics or specific relevant aspects
of consolidated ones are particularly encouraged.

Workshops can vary in length, but most will last a full day. Workshop
organizers and attendees must register for their workshop and possibly
for the main AAMAS conference.

Proposals for workshops should be from two to four pages in length.
All proposals should be submitted by electronic mail to the Workshop
Chair, Rino Falcone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, in plain ASCII text.

Proposal Submission Deadline: December 20, 2004
Acceptance Notification: January 10, 2005
Submitting of contributions to workshops: March 14, 2005
Acceptance Notifications of contrib. to workshops: April 18, 2005
AAMAS-05 Workshops: July 25 - 26, 2005

                 Call for INDUSTRY TRACK PAPERS

The AAMAS-05 conference will, for the first time, feature a track
specifically intended for industrial participants: the AAMAS Industry
Track. The industry track is being organised in cooperation with
AgentLink, Europe's IST-funded coordination activity for autonomous
agents and multi-agent systems (see

Whereas in the regular conference track the overriding refereeing
criterion is clearly scientific excellence, the industry track
focuses primarily on the industrial relevance and technological
significance of the contribution. Preference will be given to
mature work demonstrating concrete industrial/commercial results
and business value.

Deadline for Submission of Contributions: 28 February 2005
Notification of acceptance: 28 March 2005

CONTACT for the industry track:
   Michal Pechoucek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Philip Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: Workshops at SIAM Data Mining
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 17:51:23 -0500 (EST)


SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
Newport Beach, CA
April 21-23, 2005

Submission deadline: January 7, 2005

Paper submissions are sought for the following workshops
to be held at SDM05:

1. Data Mining in Sensor Networks

2. Link Analysis, counterterrorism and Security

3. High Performance and Distributed Mining

4. Feature Selection for Data Mining - Interfacing Machine Learning
   and Statistics

5. Clustering High Dimensional Data and its Applications

6. Mining Scientific and Engineering Data Sets (will include sessions
   on bio-info and collaborative problem solving)


From: Ron Musick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MLJ special issue
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2004 14:08:46 -0800

Call for Papers
Machine Learning Journal Special Issue on Machine Learning and Games

Authors are invited to submit full papers presenting original results
on any aspect of machine learning and games.  An ideal contribution 
to this special issue would be strongly motivated by applications to
commercial or classical games and focused on research issues relevant
to the topics described below. Papers specific to game theory,
however, should be submitted to a forthcoming special issue.

Games, whether created for entertainment, simulation, or education,
provide great opportunities for machine learning.  The variety of
possible virtual worlds and the subsequent ML-relevant problems posed
for the agents in those worlds is limited only by the imagination. 
Furthermore, not only is the games industry large and growing (having
surpassed the movie industry in revenue a few years back), but it 
is faced with a tremendous demand for novelty that it struggles to
provide.  Against this backdrop, machine learning driven successes
would draw high-profile attention to the field.  Surprisingly however,
the more commercial the game to date, the less impact learning has
made. This is quite unlike other great matches between application and
data-driven analytics such as data mining and OLAP.

There is a broad and familiar spectrum of research relevant to games
applications, ranging from inference in partially observable worlds to
representational issues to faster and more robust methods for speech
recognition. There are a few relatively new research thrusts as
well. For example, online learning in which models are constructed 
and used on the fly from data unavailable until gameplay time, is a
very rich source of new and interesting problems. Topics of particular
importance for successful game applications include the generation of
new practical and theoretical tools to help with:

 * learning to play the game
 * learning about players
 * model selection and stability
 * optimizing for adaptivity
 * model interpretation
 * efficiency and speed

Each submission will be reviewed according to the standards
of the Machine Learning Journal.

Important Dates

Titles and short abstracts due:         January 14, 2005
Papers due:                             February 11, 2005
Author notification:                    April 1, 2005
Final versions of accepted papers due:  June 3, 2005
Publication:                            Fall 2005

Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Instructions for
submission can be found at

In the text of your electronic submission, please explicitly state
that the paper is for the special issue on Machine Learning and
Games. In addition to submitting the paper to [EMAIL PROTECTED], please
also submit to the guest editors:

Michael Bowling        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Johannes Fuernkranz    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thore Graepel          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ron Musick             [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All inquiries regarding this special issue should be directed to 
the guest editors.


From: Dongyan Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: 2nd IEEE International Conf. on Autonomic Computing
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 01:09:15 -0500 (EST)

The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing

Renaissance Seattle Hotel, Seattle, WA
June 13-16, 2005

To deal with the increasing complexity of large-scale computer and
software systems, they must manage themselves, in accordance with
high-level guidance from humans - a vision that has been referred to
as autonomic computing. Meeting the grand challenges of autonomic
computing requires scientific and technological advances in a wide
variety of fields, as well as new software and system architectures
that support the effective integration of the constituent

The purpose of the 2nd International Conference on Autonomic Computing
(ICAC'05) is to bring together researchers from different fields of
research who are addressing aspects of self-management in computing
systems. In doing so, we hope to develop and nurture a community that
can work together to realize the vision of large-scale self-managing
systems.  Papers are solicited on a broad array of topics of relevance
to autonomic computing; particularly those that bear on connections
and relationships among different areas of research or report on
prototype systems or experiences.

Full papers (up to 8 pages in length) and posters (2 pages) are
invited on a wide variety of topics relating to autonomic computing 
as indicated above. All manuscripts will be reviewed and judged on
correctness, originality, technical strength, significance, quality of
presentation, and interest and relevance to the conference. Submitted
papers may not have appeared in or be under consideration for another
conference or a journal, nor may they be under review or submitted 
to another forum during the ICAC-05 review process. Posters are not
subject to any of these restrictions. Authors should submit full
papers or posters electronically (PDF or postscript) via the ICAC-05
conference web site at and should
use IEEE CS format. Appropriate style files can be found at

  Paper submissions: January 17, 2005
  Author notification: February 28, 2005
  Poster submissions: March 3, 2005
  Final manuscripts due: April 1, 2005
  Conference: June 17-18, 2005



Subject: AKRR'05 - Adaptive Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 16:38:11 +0300

                        First Call for Papers

            International and Interdisciplinary Conference on

                    Espoo, Finland, 15-17 June 2005

AKRR'05 conference focuses on adaptive approaches of knowledge
representation and reasoning. The basic idea is to bring together
evidence from various disciplines including computer science,
experimental psychology, brain research and cognitive science.
Methodogical basis lies in probability theory, statistics, artificial
neural networks, dynamical systems theory and related disciplines.

Specific symposium and workshop topics in the conference are:
    * Knowledge Representation of Biological Information
    * Adaptive Models of Knowledge, Language and Cognition
    * Emergent Models of Language for Speech Processing and
      Machine Translation
    * Adaptive Representations in Agents and Embodied Systems

Important dates

    * Paper submission due: 29 January 2005
    * Acceptance notification: 14 March 2005
    * Deadline for early registration: 21 March 2005
    * Camera-ready paper due: 8 April 2005
    * Workshops and tutorials: 14 June 2005
    * Symposia and conference: 15-17 June 2005


Subject: Euro-Par 2005 Topic 5- Call for Papers
Date: Thu,  2 Dec 2004 10:52:39 +0000

              Parallel and Distributed Databases,
              Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

                 August 30 - September 2, 2005
             Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

            Web site:
                  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To manage the very large amount of data today available, computer
scientists are working on efficient systems, algorithms and
applications that can handle and analyze very large databases.
Intensive data consuming applications are running on very large
databases (on data warehouses, on multimedia databases) with the 
task to extract information diamonds. Data mining is one of the 
key applications here. However, these intensive data consuming
applications suffer from performance problems and single database
sources. Introducing data distribution and parallel processing help 
to overcome resource bottlenecks and to achieve guaranteed throughput,
quality of service, and system scalability. Distributed architectures, 
cluster systems and P2P systems, supported by high performance
networks and intelligent middleware offer parallel and distributed
databases a great opportunity to support cost-effective everyday
applications. We especially solicit submissions for either the
Experience and Application Section, or the traditional System and
Research Section.


 - Experience and Application Section
   * data mining, knowledge discovery
   * multimedia applications
   * data warehousing and decision support
   * discovering structures in web data, web data mining
   * mobile computing and databases
   * web applications
   * information retrieval and web search engines
   * data-intensive grids
   * case studies
 - System and Research Section
   * query optimization and query processing
   * parallel algorithms for data mining
   * communication requirements for parallel data mining
   * data representation and storage for fast access
   * middleware and architectural issues
   * transaction processing
   * distributed knowledge discovery


  January 31, 2005: Full papers due
  May      3, 2005: Notification of acceptance
  May     30, 2005: Camera-ready papers and author registration due

Submision Details

Authors are invited to submit full papers (10 pages, Springer LNCS
style) to this topic, by using the online submission site:

Online submission will be open before the end of December 2004.
(When submitting, please indicate this topic.)

All accepted full papers will be published in the conference
proceedings in the Springer Verlag LNCS series.


From: Ron Meir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CALL FOR PAPERS - COLT 2005
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 22:41:57 +0200


The Eighteenth Annual Conference on Learning Theory
Bertinoro, Italy, June 27-30, 2005

The Eighteenth Annual COLT (Conference on Learning Theory, formerly
Workshop on Computational Learning Theory) will be held in Bertinoro,
Italy, June 27-30, 2005

We invite submissions of papers addressing the theoretical modeling
and analysis of all aspects of learning and empirical inference. We
strongly support a broad definition of learning theory, including:

* Analysis of learning algorithms and their generalization ability
* Computational complexity of learning
* Bayesian analysis
* Statistical mechanics of learning systems
* Optimization procedures for learning
* Inductive inference
* Boolean function learning
* Inductive logic programming
* Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning
* On-line learning and relative loss bounds
* Learning in planning and control (including reinforcement learning)
* Mathematical analysis of learning in related fields (e.g. game 
  theory, neuroscience)

We welcome theoretical papers about learning that do not fit into
the above categories. We are particularly interested in papers that 
include viewpoints that are new to the COLT community. While the
primary focus of the conference is theoretical, papers can be
strengthened by the inclusion of relevant experimental results. We
also welcome experimental and algorithmic papers provided they are
relevant to the focus of the conference by elucidating theoretical
results in learning.

All papers will appear in the proceedings, to be published in the
Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series. The
proceedings will appear both as a printed book and in a full-text
electronic version, thus we require electronic submissions. Papers
that have previously appeared in journals or at other conferences,
or that are being submitted to other conferences are not
appropriate for COLT.

OPEN PROBLEMS SESSION: We also invite submission of open problems 
(see separate call). These should be constrained to two pages using
the same formatting as for the full papers. There is a shorter
reviewing period for the open problems. Accepted contributions will 
be allocated short presentation slots in a special open problems
session and will be allowed two pages each in the proceedings.

ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Will become available in early
December at

Electronic submission of papers:                    February 2, 2005
Electronic submission of two-page open problems:    April 2, 2005
Notification of acceptance or rejection:            March 31, 2005
Final submission of all papers (incl. LaTex files): April 11, 2005
Conference dates:                                   June 27-30, 2005

PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS: Peter Auer (U of Leoben) and Ron Meir (Technion)


Subject: ICCS-05 Cognitive Science Congress (San Sebastian, Spain)
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 13:49:51 +0100 (MET)

Ninth International Colloquium on Cognitive Science
Donostia - San Sebastian, May 4-7, 2005


ICCS-05 is organized by the Institute for Logic, Cognition, Language
and Information (ILCLI) and the Dept. of Logic and Philosophy of
Science of the University of the Basque Country.  It will take place
in the Faculty of Philosophy of the Univ.  of the Basque Country at
Donostia - San Sebastian, Campus of Ibaeta.

1. Cognition in Context: Attention and Memory.
2. Know-that and Know-how: Skills and Learning.
3. Thinking and Deciding: Values, Ethics and Moral Reasoning.
4. Cognitive Aspects of New Forms of Communication and Organization.

Contributed papers (25-30 minutes) are invited from all areas of
Cognitive Science. Authors wishing to submit a paper should send four
(4) hardcopies of an extended abstract of 5-6 pages written in English
to Luis A. Perez Miranda (address above) by February 18, 2005. 
Submissions by e-mail are encouraged (only in Microsoft Word Format). 
A cover page should be added to the abstract including title, all
authors names and affiliations, corresponding author's address, fax
number and e-mail address. To facilitate blind review by two or more
referees all indications of authorship should appear on this detachable 
cover page only. Papers will be evaluated by the Program Committee on
the basis of originality, clarity, correctness and significance of
results. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present them at
the Colloquium. Notification of acceptance/rejection: April 8, 2005.

The registration fee is 200. (100 for students and accompanying
persons) before April 9, 2005.

For further information: Luis A. Perez Miranda; Xabier Arrazola. 


From: Marcus Gallagher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IDEAL-05: Call for Papers
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 16:26:04 +1000

Sixth International Conference on
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL'05)

6th - 8th July, 2005
Brisbane, Australia.

IDEAL is an annual conference dedicated to emerging and challenging
topics in intelligent data analysis and engineering and their
associated learning paradigms. Following the highly successful
conferences held in Exeter (2004), Hong Kong (2003) and Manchester
(2002), the sixth conference (IDEAL'05) will be held in the
subtropical city of Brisbane, Australia's third-largest city.

IDEAL'05 provides an opportunity to present the latest theoretical
advances and real-world applications in intelligent data engineering
and automated learning.

Conference Scope

Broad technical areas include, but are not limited to:

     * Learning and Information Processing
     * Data Mining
     * Bioinformatics
     * Agents
     * Financial Engineering

Important Dates

     * Submission of papers: 21st February, 2005 (firm).
     * Notification of acceptance: 6th April, 2005.
     * Camera-ready papers due: 20th April, 2005.
     * IDEAL 2005 Conference: 6th-8th July, 2005.


IDEAL 2005 Secretariat
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
University of Queensland. 4072

Phone: +61 7 3365 6197 Fax: +61 7 3365 4999


From: Peter Flach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Special issue of Pattern Recognition Letters on ROC Analysis
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 11:04:10 +0000

Special Issue of Pattern Recognition Letters
on ROC Analysis in Pattern Recognition

The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve describes the 
performance of a two-class classifier (dichotomizer) at different
operating points. ROC analysis was first employed in signal detection
problems. It is now common in medical diagnosis and medical imaging. 
In pattern recognition, it is becoming increasingly important in the
area of cost-sensitive classification, classification in the presence
of unbalanced classes, robust comparison of classifier performance
under imprecise class distribution and misclassification costs.

The special issue aims at presenting the latest research on the use 
of ROC curve and other similar tools (Precision/Recall curve, DET
curve, Cost curve, ...) in the field of Pattern Recognition.

Full electronic manuscripts (Postscript or PDF file) should be sent 
to the guest editor Francesco Tortorella ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
by February 28, 2005. The names of the authors should not be included
in the manuscript, but in a separate page which will contain the title
of the paper, abstract, key words, names and affiliations of each
author and full address, e-mail, affiliation and fax number of the
corresponding author. The rest of the paper including title, abstract
and key words should consist of about 10 journal pages, roughly
corresponding to around 5000 words plus a few figures and tables.

For more details see

Francesco Tortorella
Dipartimento di Automazione, Elettromagnetismo,
Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Matematica Industriale
Universita' degli Studi di Cassino
via G. di Biasio, 43 03043 Cassino (ITALY)

Tel: +39 0776 2993605
Fax: +39 0776 2993707


Subject: Forecasting with Neural Networks - Competition & General Track
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 22:28:49 +0100

Special Track on Forecasting with Artificial Neural Networks

25th International Symposium on Forecasting 2005, June 12-15, 2005
Hyatt Regency Hotel, San Antonio, Texas, USA

General Call for Papers

We invite abstracts related to the theory and practice of forecasting
with neural networks that describe new techniques, methods and models,
and novel applications. We also encourage submissions from practitioners 
that document successful AND unsuccessful novel applications of neural
networks in practice. Topics of interest includes:

- artificial neural networks (all paradigms)
  - feedforward and recurrent
  - single methods and ensembles
- support vector machines & regression
- NN related and hybrid soft computing methods

- business forecasting and demand planning
- time series prediction and analysis
- predictive classification and data mining

Forecasting Competition

In addition to the general track, we invite submissions to a
forecasting competition to derive principles of neural forecasting.
We challenge research and practitioner teams to forecast two
univariate time series - one being the well known airline passenger
data set, the other an unknown data set - to evaluate progress in
forecasting practices and established principles. Additional details, 
including the data sets and the questionnaires will be available 
from January, 2005, on the meeting Web site. 

Important Dates

February 28th, 2004 Abstracts due
March 31st, 2005    Notification of acceptance
June 21-24, 2005    International Symposium on Forecasting 2005
July 2005           Post-conference proceedings & publications

For more information, contact the track chair, Sven F. Crone


Subject: A Special Issue on Life Science Automation
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 10:18:56 -0600

Dear Colleagues:

The IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering invites
your contributions to a Special Issue on Automation for the Life
Sciences. The scope of the Special Issue includes, not only laboratory
automation, but also pharmaceutical and biotechnology automation. The
call for papers can also be found at

Please feel free to contact us, if you have any questions.
We look forward to receiving your contributions.

Paper submission deadline: March 1, 2005

Sincerely yours,

Mingjun (Michael) Zhang
Associate Editor
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering


From: Hepu Deng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ICNC'05-FSKD'05 Call for Papers: Changsha China
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 12:50:50 +1100

         2005 International Conference on Natural Computation 
   International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery

               27 - 29 August 2005, Changsha, China

               Home Page:

                          CALL FOR PAPERS

The 2005 International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC-05) 
and the 2005 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge
Discovery (FSKD-05) will be jointly held in Changsha, China from 27-29
August 2005. The conferences will feature the most up-to-date research
results in computational algorithms inspired from nature, including
biological, ecological, and physical systems. It is an exciting and
emerging interdisciplinary area in which a wide range of techniques
and methods are being studied for dealing with large, complex, 
and dynamic problems. Specific areas include neural computation,
evolutionary computation, quantum computation, DNA computation,
chemical computation, information processing in cells and tissues,
molecular computation, computation with words, fuzzy computation,
granular computation, artificial life, swarm intelligence, ants
colony, artificial immune systems, etc., with applications to
knowledge discovery, finance, operations research, and more. The joint
conferences will also promote cross-fertilization over these exciting
and yet closely-related areas. Registration to either conference will
entitle a participant to the proceedings and technical sessions of
both conferences, as well as the conference banquet and meals.

The ICNC-05 and FSKD-05 conference proceedings will be published in
Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), respectively. Both the LNCS
and LNAI are indexed in SCI-Expanded. A selected number of authors
will be invited to expand and revise their papers for possible
inclusions in peer-reviewed international journals / edited books.

Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline:      15 March 2005
Notification of Acceptance:     15 April 2005
Camera-Ready Copy Due:          15 May 2005

Phone/Fax: +86 732 829 2201 / 829 3249

Submission of Papers
Authors are invited to submit a full paper as an electronic file
(postscript, pdf or Word format) at the conference website. Templates
are available at the Springer website.

Sponsorship / Exhibition
The conferences will offer product vendors a sponsorship package
and/or an opportunity to interact with conference participants. 
Product demonstration and exhibition can also be arranged. For more
information, please visit the conference web page.


From: UAI2005 PC Chairs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: UAI 2005 Call for Papers
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 09:41:45 -0500

    21st Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
                     First Call for Papers

                       July 26-29, 2005

Conference Details

Since 1985, the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
(UAI) has been the primary international forum for presenting new
results on the use of principled methods for reasoning under
uncertainty within intelligent systems.  The scope of UAI is wide,
including, but not limited to, representation, automated reasoning,
learning, decision making and knowledge acquisition under uncertainty.

The UAI 2005 conference will be held at the University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, Scotland. The main technical session will be on July 26-29,
and will be preceded with a tutorial program on July 25. The conference 
is collocated with IJCAI 2005 that follows immediately after UAI 2005.

Paper Submission

We encourage submissions that report on theoretical or methodological
advances in representation, automated reasoning, learning, decision
making and knowledge acquisition under uncertainty. Submissions
reporting on other work relevant to uncertainty within intelligent
systems are also welcome, as are submissions that report on
intelligent systems in which uncertainty plays a key role.

Submitted papers will be evaluated on the basis of originality,
significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Papers
submitted for review should represent original, previously unpublished
work. A submitted paper should not be under review by any other
conference or scientific journal at the time it is submitted to
UAI-2005 nor at any time during UAI-2005's reviewing period.

Accepted papers will be presentation at the conference in either
plenary or poster sessions. At least one of the paper's authors should
be present at the conference to present the work. All accepted papers
will be included in the Proceedings of the Twenty First Conference on
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. The program committee will
select papers for special distinction in two categories at UAI-2005: 
a best paper award, and an outstanding student paper award. The
conference home page will contain instructions for certifying student
status with regards to the latter award.

Key Dates

March 16, 2005, noon EST: Abstract submission
March 23, 2005, noon EST: Full paper submission
March 23, 2005, noon EST: Student paper certification
May 23, 2005, noon EST: Author notification of accepted papers
June 5, 2005, noon EST: Camera ready copy of accepted papers

These deadlines will be strictly enforced.

Conference Organization

Please direct general inquiries to the General Conference Chair at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Inquiries about the conference program and
submission requirements should be directed to the Program Co-Chairs 


Subject: IDA 2005 CFP
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 19:52:29 +0100

First Call for Papers IDA 2005
6th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis

Madrid, Spain, September 8-10, 2005

IDA-2005 will take place in Madrid, September 8-10, 2005, under the
auspices of the IDA council. The conference is organized by researchers 
and professors from the National Research Council of Canada, the
Universidad Polit=E9cnica de Madrid, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and
the Universiteit Utrecht. It will consist of a stimulating program 
of invited talks by leading experts in intelligent data analysis,
contributed papers, poster sessions, and an exciting social program.

Our aim for IDA-2005 is to bring together a wide variety of
researchers - academic, industrial, and otherwise - who are concerned
with extracting knowledge from data, including researchers from
statistics, machine learning, neural networks, computer science,
pattern recognition, database management, and other areas. The
strategies adopted by people working in these areas are often
different, and a synergy results if this is recognised. IDA-2005 is
intended to stimulate interaction between these different areas, 
so that more powerful techniques and tools emerge for extracting
knowledge from data and a better understanding is developed for the
process of intelligent data analysis.

In IDA-2005 conference we propose an interesting agenda of social
events that include several tutorial tracks, open panel discussions,
and keynote talks.

This is the sixth Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis after the
successful symposia IDA-2003 (Berlin), IDA-2001 (Lisboa), IDA-99
(Amsterdam), IDA-97 (London), and IDA-95 (Baden-Baden). IDA conferences 
series intends to provide an international forum for the discussion of
the innovative outstanding research results in the field of intelligent 
data analysis, becoming one of the most significant conferences on
this topic world-wide.  Contributions in this field deal with either
theoretical or applied real-world problems making special effort in
introducing novel data analysis techniques.

Important Dates

April 1, 2005 Deadline for submitting papers
May 18, 2005 Notification of acceptance
June 6, 2005 Deadline for submission of final papers


The proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer
Science Series of Springer. We also plan to have a special issue 
of the Intelligent Data Analysis journal with extended versions of
selected papers presented during the symposium. See for details.


From: Ina Lauth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: UK-KDD Symposium'05 in Liverpool, UK
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 11:16:32 +0100

UK-KDD Symposium'05 in Liverpool, UK, 6th April 2005

The symposium is intended to provide a forum for discussion,
dissemination and exchange of ideas between practitioners and
researchers working within the broad field of Knowledge Discovery in
Data (KDD). To this end a number of key people will be presenting a
"state of the art" review of much of the KDD research work currently
in progress within UK institutions. It is hoped that the symposium
will attract delegates, both national and international, who are
either directly involved in KDD or have a significant interest in the
subject, and that the meeting will consequently afford an opportunity
for lively debate and discussion. The symposium will end with a
plenary session to discuss future directions and opportunities.


- Max Bramer - Hypertext categorisation
- Peter Flach - Recent developments in ROC analysis for machine 
  learning and data mining
- David Hand - Spotting the difference: Detecting anomalies in large
  data sets
- John Keane - Efficient and effective mining
- Ross King - Applied inductive logic programming
- Paul Leng - Computing association rules from incomplete support-counts
- George Smith - Meta-heuristics in the KDD Process

For more information, see:
and the EU-funded Project KDNet:


From: Sven Koenig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: JMLR Special Issue on 
         Learning in Large Probabilistic Environments
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 18:12:34 -0700 (PDT)

CALL FOR PAPERS Journal of Machine Learning Research
Special Issue on Learning in Large Probabilistic Environments
Guest Editors: Sven Koenig, Shie Mannor and Georgios Theocharous

We invite papers on learning in large probabilistic environments
for a special issue of the Journal of Machine Learning Research.
One of the fundamental problems of artificial Intelligence is
how to enable systems (for example, mobile robots, manufacturing
systems, or diagnostic systems) embedded in complex environments
to achieve their long-term goals efficiently. A natural approach
is to model such systems as agents that interact with their
environment through actions, perceptions and rewards. These
agents choose actions after every observation, aiming to
maximize their long-term reward. Learning allows them to improve
their initial strategy based on the history of successful and
unsuccessful interactions with the environment.

This special issue is intended to serve as an outlet for recent
advances in learning in such environments. We welcome both
theoretical advances in this field as well as detailed reports
on applications of learning in large probabilistic domains.

Topics of interest include:

* Theoretical foundations of learning in large probabilistic
* Completely and partially observable Markov decision process
  models and similar models. Learning with factored state or
  action spaces, continuous state spaces, action spaces or
  time models, hybrid models, relational learning, concurrency.
* Heuristics and approximations. Policy and value function
  approximations, Monte Carlo and advanced simulation methods.
* Spatio-temporal abstractions. Dynamic factorization,
  hierarchy and relational structure.
* Interactive learning. Guided exploration, combining
  supervised and unsupervised learning, shaping, and learning
  from very few examples.
* Learning in complex systems. Function approximation,
  dimensionality reduction, feature selection for learning,
  and alternative state representations.
* Cooperative and competitive multi-agent reinforcement
  learning. Learning in nonstationary domains and stochastic,
  network, and dynamic games.
* Real world applications. Medicine, finance, robotics,
  manufacturing, security, etc.

Submit papers to the standard JMLR submission system

Please include a note stating that your submission is for the
special issue on Learning in Large Probabilistic Environments.

Important Dates:
* Submission due: April 15th, 2005
* Decision: August 1st, 2005
* Final version due: October 1st, 2005

For further details or enquiries, please contact the guest editors:
Georgios Theocharous ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Bhanu Prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IICAI-05 Call for Papers
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 17:58:16 -0400

The 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IICAI-05) (website: will be held in Pune, INDIA
during December 20-22 2005.  It is one of the major AI events in the
world and focuses on ALL areas of Artificial Intelligence and related
topics. The conference consists of keynote speeches, technical sessions, 
invited talks, paper presentations, workshops, tutorials, local tours,
exhibition, and many more. We invite paper submissions for this event.

Session proposals are welcome for the topics that are not already
covered by the existing sessions. Please see the website for details.

Bhanu Prasad
IICAI-05 Chair
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Florida A &M University, Tallahassee, FL 32307, USA


From: Manfred Warmuth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Machine learning position at Santa Cruz
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 20:09:32 -0800 (PST)

We have a machine learning position in the Computer Science Department
of the University of California, Santa Cruz, at the assistant, associate 
or full professor level.

Current faculty members in related areas include David Helmbold, Manfred 
Warmuth, and Bob Levinson. David Haussler, one of the main learning
researchers in the department, has moved to the university's new
Biomolecular Engineering department.

There is considerable synergy for machine learning at Santa Cruz:

- new department of Applied Math and Statistics with an emphasis on 
  Bayesian methods (
- new department of Biomolecular Engineering (
- closeness to Silicon Valley
- pretty good track record for research in machine learning, especially 
  in the COLT community

We are looking for people in all areas of machine learning who would
complement the existing expertise in Santa Cruz.

The deadline for the applications is Jan 10. Contact Manfred Warmuth
or David Helmbold if you have any questions. David will be at NIPS 
and Manfred will be traveling till the end of Dec.

For details see:


From: Robert Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Research Fellowship Available
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 16:02:25 -0000

Research Fellowship Available

We are pleased to announce the availability of a funded PhD position
in the Computing, Engineering, and Mathematical Sciences Faculty of
The University of The West of England, Bristol, UK, in a research
project sponsored by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council entitled "Robust Prediction with Explanatory Power for Protein
Structure and Related Prediction Problems." This is a collaborative
project with The University of Nottingham, where a similar position
will be available.

The project intends to develop more general, intelligent and reliable
classification and predictive technologies for problems in bioinformatics 
(particularly, predicting the structure of proteins). We aim to
explore and investigate the feasibility of designing and implementing
robust classification and predictive systems that can deliver high
quality predictions at the same time as human-understandable
explanations for those predictions. A successful outcome to this
project could lead to a greater understanding of the issues that
underpin predictive and classification software systems in general,
and perhaps more importantly, those that have an immediate impact on
quality of human life: bioinformatics. It is in domains like this
where the availability of human-understandable explanations are as
important as correct predictions. This project will employ learning 
classifier systems, an approach based on evolutionary computation. 
These techniques can yield robust, accurate predictions, with the
explanatory power not available in many other methods.

The ideal candidate will have an existing understanding of machine
learning, particularly evolutionary computation. However, candidates
with other relevant experience may be considered. In addition, two
EPSRC requirements apply; the student must have: 

* A "relevant connection with the UK (usually established by residence)." 
  Students inquiring who do not make it clear how they meet this 
  requirement will receive no reply.

* An upper second class honours degree, or a combination of 
  qualifications and/or experience equivalent to that level.

It is expected that the fellowship would begin in early 2005. For
further information, please email [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Ole Fogh Olsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PhD positions at ITU Copenhagen
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 10:27:02 +0100

The IT University of Copenhagen has two open PhD-scholarships
with application deadline January 3th 2005 in the areas of
Image analysis and Medical Image analysis.

Applicants for first position must be a national of a member
State of the EC other than Denmark. This position is on
generalisation of PDE-based inpainting and motion estimation
methods to include the statistical variation of natural images
and sequences using stochastic partial differential equations.

The other position is open for all applicants. This position
is on quantitative assessment of disease progression with
focus on measuring cartilage degradation from MRI scans.

The salary for applicants holding a M.Sc degree is normally
approximately 2.900 Euro/month taxable.

Appointment is conditional upon requisite appropriation.

The full vacancy notice can be found at

Information about the Image Analysis group at the ITU
can be found at


From: Carol Jefferson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CNS Graduate Programs Announcement
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 10:50:19 -0500


The Boston University Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems
offers comprehensive graduate training in the neural and computational
principles, mechanisms, and architectures that underlie human and
animal behavior, and the application of neural network architectures
to the solution of technological problems.

The brochure may also be viewed on line at:
and application forms at:

Applications for Fall 2005 admission and financial aid are now being
accepted for PhD, MA, and BA/MA degree programs. To obtain a brochure
describing CNS programs and a set of application materials, write,
telephone, or fax:

Boston University
677 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02215

617/353-9481 (phone)
617/353-7755 (fax)

or send via email your full name and mailing address to the attention
of Mr. Robin Amos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. 

Applications for admission and financial aid should be received by 
the Graduate School Admissions Office no later than January 15. Late
applications will be considered until May 1; after that date
applications will be considered only as special cases.

Applicants are required to submit undergraduate (and, if applicable,
graduate) transcripts, three letters of recommendation, and Graduate
Record Examination (GRE) general test scores. GRE scores may be waived
for MA candidates and, in exceptional cases, for PhD candidates, but
absence of these scores will decrease an applicant's chances for
admission and financial aid.


From: Aleks Jakulin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Data Mining of Political Data
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 11:13:51 +0200

We have taken the US Senate roll call voting data, which disclose how
each of the senators voted in a particular issue. There is a lot of
data: there are the 100 senators and there are almost 500 issues per
year. Several organizations examine how "friendly" individual senators
are to them, but, for an ordinary voter, there is just too much hassle.
However, political scientists regularly observe these data sets with
special-purpose models. Our objective was to check if the "usual"
algorithms we normally use in our field work on them.

Data-mining tools are quite complementary to those already used in 
political science. We can: 

* cluster senators with hierarchical and discrete mixture methods; 
* identify "social" networks based on how similarly senators vote;
* evaluate the influence of a senator, or a group of senators, or 
  an entire state; 
* represent senators in a two-dimensional "ideology" space;
* use VRML for three-dimensional visualizations;
* perform analysis to infer who could have overturned a given bill 
  or whether there was disagreement inside the party.

If you are interested, please see:

We have used the general-purpose Orange data mining toolkit
(, which is implemented in Python and GPL. 
Furthermore, we have used the MPCA discrete probabilistic principal
components modeling kit (, also under
GPL, to identify the blocs in the senate. Our scripts and data are all
freely available. We also have two working papers there that discuss
the work in more detail.

Aleks Jakulin
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Faculty of Computer and Information Science
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


From: Candida Ferreira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Online version of GEP book: Chapter 4
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 11:30:16 +0100

Dear All,

The fourth chapter of my book, Gene Expression Programming:
Mathematical Modeling by an Artificial Intelligence, can now be
browsed online at:

The book has seven chapters, the first four of which are available 
(1 Introduction; 2 The Entities of Gene Expression Programming; 
3 The Basic Gene Expression Algorithm; and 4 The Basic GEA in Problem
Solving). The remaining chapters will follow shortly.

I hope you enjoy it.

Candida Ferreira, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, Gepsoft


End of ML-LIST Digest Vol 16, No. 16

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