Hi Sumedh,

I am Atharva Khandait (github: akhandait, irc: Atharva). I am currently a
sophomore at IIT Bombay.
Over the past couple weeks, I solved some issues in mlpack and currently
working on some. It helped me a lot and have started getting familiar with
the source code and the community. :)

I found the VAE project idea very interesting. I have previously worked
with quite a number of neural networks, some of them being convolutional
and LSTMs. I also worked for a month for a team at IIT Bombay which is
making a driverless car. There, I worked with an open source implementation
of the CycleGAN architecture and picked up some knowledge on generative
models as well.

I would love some suggestions on how I should proceed specifically towards
this project as the proposal period comes near. I have my exams for the
next 4 days, after that I would be free almost all the time and would like
to dive into this more.

Thank you!
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