Hi Dan,

I created this Docker image and it works well.

There are some glitches though still. For Docker it is beneficial, if a
service does not detach form the terminal and run as a daemon. This helps
to detect, when the service crashes, so it can be restarted from the host
system by restarting the Docker container, either monitored by upstart for

To achieve this behavior I made use of the "-test" flag. In order to not
flood my disk with stdout and stderr output, which Docker catches and
stores in a log file, I am discarding these streams via /dev/null.

However, it seems that "-test" is making Melted run unstable, at least in
the Docker container. For example, when I send a large list of commands
(APND) to Melted via telnet, it dies on me.

So basically what I am asking is:
a) is there another method to make Melted not detach? One, which preferably
still does not produce any debug output!

b) if not, does Melted fork once or twice, ergo do I need the "expect fork"
or "expect daemon" stanza in upstart. As I would run Melted in daemon mode
and watch it with upstart from within the docker container if a) is not

Also I wanted to use the RUN command to execute this list of commands,
which made Melted crash. But I was unable to get Melted to accept my xy.txt
file as valid input. Both absolute and relative paths to the file did not

Any tip concerning that?

My best Regards,
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