I am available for conversation about JVM futures (JSR 292 and MLVM) this 
afternoon and tomorrow.

At about 3:30, I will be hanging around the JavaOne tent by the Hilton.  RSVP 
in case we relocate.

I'm especially eager to hear people's comments on the JSR 292 work.  Much of it 
is already in the OpenJDK source base, and will therefore be frozen into the 
JDK 7 Reference Implementation in a matter of weeks.  This is the time to make 
sure we're not leaving out any good design tweaks.

(Of course, we are leaving out big things like tail call and interface 
injection.  I'm talking about the details of the method handle API and 
invokedynamic design.)

Current reference draft (which is close to what's in the OpenJDK):

Best wishes,
-- John
mlvm-dev mailing list

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