Reminder: last call for speaker submissions.

General registration is also open.  We've hit our initial allotment for early 
registration, but you can register as a "Wait List Attendee" to be notified 
when we increase the limit (should be soon).


> On Apr 15, 2015, at 11:02 AM, Dan Smith <> wrote:
> We are pleased to announce the 2015 JVM Language Summit to be held at 
> Oracle's Santa Clara campus on August 10-12, 2015. Registration is now open 
> for speaker submissions (presentations and workshops) and will remain open 
> until May 22, 2015. There is no registration fee for speakers.
> The JVM Language Summit is an open technical collaboration among language 
> designers, compiler writers, tool builders, runtime engineers, and VM 
> architects. We will share our experiences as creators of both the JVM and 
> programming languages for the JVM. We also welcome non-JVM developers of 
> similar technologies to attend or speak on their runtime, VM, or language of 
> choice.
> Presentations will be recorded and made available to the public via the 
> Oracle Technology Network.
> This event is being organized by language and JVM engineers; no marketers 
> involved! So bring your slide rules and be prepared for some seriously geeky 
> discussions.
> Format
> The summit is held in a single classroom-style room to support direct 
> communication between participants. About 80-100 attendees are expected.
> As in previous years, we will divide the schedule between traditional 
> presentations and "workshops." Workshops are informal, facilitated discussion 
> groups among smaller, self-selected participants, and should enable deeper 
> "dives" into the subject matter. If there is interest, there will also be 
> impromptu "lightning talks." Traditional presentations (about 7 each day) 
> will be given in a single track, while workshops (2–3 each day) will occur in 
> parallel.
> Instructions for Speaker Registration
> If you'd like give a presentation or lead a workshop, please register as a 
> Speaker and include a detailed abstract. There is no fee. You will be 
> notified about whether your proposal has been accepted; if not, you will be 
> able to register as a regular attendee.
> For a successful presentation or workshop submission, please note the 
> following:
> - All talks should be deeply technical, given by designers and implementors 
> to designers and implementors. We all speak Code here!
> - Each talk, we hope and expect, will inform the audience, in detail, about 
> the state of the art of language design and implementation on the JVM, or 
> will explore the present and future capabilities of the JVM itself. (Some 
> will do so indirectly by discussing non-JVM technologies.)
> - Know your audience: attendees may not be likely to ever use your specific 
> language or tool, but could learn something from your interactions with the 
> JVM. A broad goal of the summit is to inspire us to work together on 
> JVM-based technologies that enable a rich ecosystem at higher layers.
> We encourage speakers to submit both a presentation and a workshop; we will 
> arrange to schedule the presentation before the workshop, so that the 
> presentation can spark people's interest and the workshop will allow those 
> who are really interested to go deeper into the subject area. Workshop 
> facilitators may, but are not expected to, prepare presentation materials; in 
> any case, they should come prepared to guide a deep technical discussion.
> To register:
> For further information:
> Questions:
> We hope to see you in August!

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