
[2017-03-20 23:27] j...@subpath.de
> my problem:
> The automatic keyfinder did not find my key. The Problem maid be, that gnugpg2
> uses linux timestap for expire date and gnugpg uses an alternativ design. 

Thanks a lot for the bug report.

Gnupg appears to have switched to --fixed-list-mode by default now.
With gnupg1 it is possible to generate the gnupg2 output format
when this option is used.

I think this patch should solve it. Could someone with gnupg2 test
it, please. I'll commit it when I have a positive feedback.


diff --git a/uip/mhsign.sh b/uip/mhsign.sh
index 9d6c747..39a3f69 100755
--- a/uip/mhsign.sh
+++ b/uip/mhsign.sh
@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ if [ -z "$userid" ] ; then
        userid="`mhparam pgpkey`"
 if [ -z "$userid" ] ; then
-       userid="`gpg --list-secret-keys --with-colons 2>/dev/null |
+       userid="`gpg --list-secret-keys --with-colons --fixed-list-mode \
+                               2>/dev/null |
                        grep '^sec' | sort -t: -k3,3nr -k 6,6nr |
                        awk -F: '
-                               $7=="" || $7 > "'"\`date +%Y-%m-%d\`"'" {
+                               $7=="" || $7 > "'"\`date +%s\`"'" {
                                        print $5; exit;

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