[2017-04-17 17:21] c...@subpath.de
> [2017-04-17 14:47] markus schnalke <mei...@marmaro.de>
> > [2017-03-20 23:27] j...@subpath.de
> > >
> > > my problem:
> > > 
> > > The automatic keyfinder did not find my key. The Problem maid be, that 
> > > gnugpg2
> > > uses linux timestap for expire date and gnugpg uses an alternativ design. 

> > I think this patch should solve it. Could someone with gnupg2 test
> > it, please. I'll commit it when I have a positive feedback.
> Yes this will fix this bug.

Thanks. It's applied and pushed now:


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