[2018-07-16 21:03] Vasilii Kolobkov <polezaivs...@ko5v.net>
> [2018-07-16 14:17 +0200] Philipp Takacs <phil...@bureaucracy.de>
> > [2018-07-16 09:20] Vasilii Kolobkov <polezaivs...@ko5v.net>
> > > [2018-07-16 03:18 +0200] Philipp Takacs <phil...@bureaucracy.de>
> > > > What a strange BSD are you using, maybe OpenBSD ;-)? seq is part of Net,
> > > > Free and DragonflyBSD. Ok, the awk bug/missing feature is also in 
> > > > FreeBSD.
> > > 
> > > There's no hiding from you, Philipp!
> > > 
> > > I thought those issues to be rather common in BSD-land and am sorry
> > > for badmouthing all the good ones. Can you please do a s/BSDs/OpenBSD/g
> > > on the patches?
> > 
> > This was more a joke, then a real comment.
> And funny enough - like the first time i choose not to name my OS
> directly, i'm being greeted with 'why you must be running OpenBSD!'
> :) Which i do allright.


Even OpenBSD guys are welcome here. :-D Just joking. They do some
real good work and have good values in their system. I'm glad they
are around!

Please keep reporting stuff that fails on OpenBSD. It's important
to ensure mmh is working well there. (Otherwise my friend Phil --
an OpenBSD convinced guy and mmh's very first user, btw -- won't
switch back to mmh again.)


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