> On Sep 16, 2014, at 7:04 AM, Julian Paas <julian.p...@osaaru.com> wrote:
> Have there been any thoughts/discussions about a native Swift API?

No, not yet. All I've done so far is tweaked the .h files to make them more 
Swift-friendly, by adding things like NS_ENUM.

Starting to play with an actual Swift project now. Is there a way to see an 
entire Swift-ified interface for a CBL class? If I Cmd-click on a UIKit or 
Foundation class name it shows me the full interface in Swift syntax, but if I 
do that on a CBL class it just opens the regular .h file.

When I start thinking about a native Swift API, I find myself thinking about 
JSON types. The natural Swift encoding of a JSON value would be an enum; has 
anyone built a library around that yet?


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