Ringing Bells Pvt Ltd, a hitherto-little-known Noida-based company,
has suddenly caught people's popular imagination after it announced it
would launch Freedom 251, an Android mobile phone priced at Rs 251.
The bill of materials for a product like this -- the specs that are
being claimed -- is approximately USD 40. That is about Rs 2,700 per
- Pankaj Mohindroo (President)
Ringing Bells Pvt Ltd, a hitherto-little-known Noida-based company,
has suddenly caught people's popular imagination after it announced it
would launch Freedom 251, an Android mobile phone priced at Rs 251.
The company says that the phone, which carries budget-phone
specifications, will be shipped to buyers by June. The company's
website, which opened a purchase window this morning, says it has
suspended sales for now after getting 6 lakh orders.
But many things have looked suspicious from the get-go: the phone
looks eerily similar to Adcom Ikon 4 , which retails for about Rs
3,600. Reviewers from several publications and tech websites that the
test unit had had its branding whitened out . Others said their test
units didn't work; everyone pointed out that software's look-and-feel
resembles the iPhone operating system.
Further, the Indian Cellular Association, the apex body of mobile
phone manufacturers, claims that the bill of materials for a phone of
this specification comes to around Rs 2,700, and has raised concerns
that the phone doesn't pass the smell test.
The ICA even wrote to the Telecom Industry warning that the government
keep its distance from the phone company -- which claims to be
furthering the cause of Make in India -- following which Defence
Minister Manohar Parrikar did not show up at the launch event despite
being scheduled to.
On his part, Ringing Bells President Ashok Chadha, in an interaction
with media persons last night, put out some fuzzy numbers: saying that
the company will save Rs 400-500 each by manufacturing in India (and
benefiting from a duty differential), using economies of scale and by
selling only through the online route.
In an interview with CNBC-TV18's Nayantara Rai, ICA President Pankaj
Mohindroo explained what was wrong with Ringing Bells' math.
Below is the interview transcript on CNBC-TV18.
Q: We have seen the company actually explain on how it is possible to
price the phone at Rs 251. He talks about passing on 13.8 percent duty
to the benefit to the customers saying this is the Make in India duty.
Now we understand there is a differential pricing for imported phones
and those that are made in India which is 13.8 percent in effect from
March 1, 2015. The question I want to ask you is then why are all the
manufacturers anyway passing on this benefit to customers. For him it
works out to be Rs 470. For other manufacturers it will be a lot more?
A: It doesn't add up like that. The bill of materials for a product
like this -- the specs that are being claimed -- is approximately USD
40. This cost is very optimised, very sharp and without any margins
added. So, that is about Rs 2,700 per phone. On top of that, you add
import duty or manufacturing duty, value added tax (VAT), retail
margins, distribution margins. And let me tell you the mobile phone
industry is extremely cut throat. It is extremely optimised, retail
margins are very small, 1-3 percent. Distribution margins are very
small, 1-3 percent. There is no place to hide. Nobody can keep a
margin up his sleeve. It is absolutely cut throat, dog eat dog
There is a differential duty margin [when you manufacture in India as
opposed to importing] and this is not something we have to learn from
a gentleman like this. There is a 11.5 percent duty differential which
translates into Rs 60 for a Rs 700 phone and Rs 7,000 for an Apple
product. So, there is a duty differential and it is being passed on to
the consumers. But look at the sums, look at the dynamics of the bill
of the material which I have told you. This phone should be costing Rs
Q: Ashok Chadha is saying if you look at the economies of scale they
will save an additional Rs 530, he is going to save another Rs 460 by
not getting into traditional advertising and marketing and saying he
only has to back up and cover up Rs 550, which will be done from the
marketplace. You have raised alarm bells to the telecom ministry...
A: I am leaving this to the court of the media by giving facts. I gave
you the numbers, when I said USD 40 bill of material -- USD 40 is bare
bone, very large volume economy numbers. I am not talking about any
margin, I am talking about the bill of material.
So, if you are talking about normal trading, which is a very economy
brand this phone should sell for Rs 4000. If you are talking about a
job lot being sold in the e-commerce type of business, it should be
about Rs 3500.
Q: I want to understand why are you so alarmed? If you look at Ringing
Bells explanation he seems to have it all covered. Sometimes things
are too good to be true but he does explain it. He is going to pass on
13.8 percent duty, he says he is going save additional Rs 530 from
economies of scale, he is going to save Rs 460 by not getting into
traditional marketing and says then I am only left with Rs 550 which
he will do with his market place. So, he is going to get probably apps
or get other people to sell on his phone. Are you alarmed because
people will buy his phones and not the phones of all traditional
A: I am saying USD 40 bill of material with very large volumes of
millions of phones. That is the starting of the building block, where
is this duty coming into place?
Q: What happens when he has to make deliveries?
A: I am placing the facts in front of you. We have no vested interests
in anything. We are promoting the nation's manufacturing, we are
promoting the industry. If there is a person with a business model
like that we would love to promote it. We have spoken to all the
operators, there is no hidden subsidy in this. There is no bundling,
which is happening with any operator. So, something where the bill of
material is Rs 3000, how is he undercutting it, that is the question I
want to ask.
Q: Why is it that you all have made a representation to Ravishankar
Prasad the telecom minister explaining all of this and then saying
that it is perhaps not prudent for a senior minister to attend the
launch. We do understand that defence minister Manohar Parrikar was
supposed to attend the launch, his name was there on the invite as
well and then post your letter and conversations with the telecom
minister, we did not see Parrikar there at the launch yesterday. So, I
want to ask you why is it that you are association was worried? If
there is somebody who is trying to make false claims that person would
be brought to justice.
A: Absolutely, that is the thing we pointed out to the minister. We
have said that we do not understand this business model. It is beyond
us, what is the business model. It looks extremely suspicious. In
these circumstances, if you think we are worth anything, we are
proposing to you that there should be no direct or quasi endorsement
from a government leader for this company till the air is clear.
Warm Regards
Bhavya Shah
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