
Assuming you’re running AndroidM:
- Connect your phone to PC using data cable.
- Pull down notification shade and find “USB for Charging” and click on it.
- Now find “Use USB for MediaTransfer/ File Transfer (MTP) or something like 
this and click on it. You’d hear a sound indicating that the phone got 
disconnected and got re-connected again.
- Now go to computer and see if you can find your device listed there.

With best regards,
"Life's battle do not always go, to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or 
later the one who wins, is the one who thinks he can."

Satguru Rathi

From: Mukesh Baviskar 
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 9:31 PM
To: Mobile Access 
Subject: [Mobile.AI] Unable to access phone memory

Dear friends,

I’m unable to access the phone memory and memory card of 

Moto X Play(With Turbo Charger) (Black, 16 GB) 

using data cable on pc. Please suggest me a solution to solve the problem.

Thanking you in anticipation.

With best regards,

Mukesh Baviskar

Mobile: 9403161157

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