> I didn't realize that DragAndDrop/Sortables were so new.

Well there's no release with these elements yet :).

> Here's a quick and dirty test page that I put together to illustrate.
> Trying to add scroll:true or ghosting:true to the options in the init
> script will really make things weird/ugly.

OK I've add quick look at the page: I don't think Sortable is your
solution. The page is *really* slow so I don't see how you can adapt
Sortable to work with your goals.

Sortable is really made to have one create for a page, with a list of
elements. If you have multiple Sortable.create, this may not be the
good solution (it should not be actually).

I advise you to use Draggable/Droppable directly, maybe with some
inspiration from Sortable. I'll try to see if I can tweak your example
but it's not for now.


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