Hi David,

Nice to see someone using my widgets for MochiKit!

The Git repository has been out of date for a while, since nobody has
been asking for updates. But now that you've patched the code, I've
also updated my copies to the latest version. Will try to merge in
your stuff as well.

It was my original intention to push for inclusion into 1.5, but the
response was quite muted here on the list last time around. So I've
concentrated on other stuff instead. But if GitHub works for you, we
might keep it there for now?

Please let me know if you have any issues or questions regarding the widgets!



On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 07:41, David Barnett <davidbarne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been desperately needing some standard widgets on top of mochikit, and
> I found the widgets under mochikit-patches just recently. I'm wondering what
> their current status is, if many people use them, and what most people do
> for widgets (e.g. using jQuery over mochikit).
> David
> >

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