I think the current location is quite fine, if not in the MochiKit
repo itself. Should perhaps add a link from the Wiki pages, though...

If you'd like to contribute new widgets, I'd love to include them!
Just fork the git repo and send me a pull request when done.

Regarding other widget solutions, my personal motivations for
implementing yet-another-JavaScript-widget-library are:

1. Using a mix-in approach instead of wrapper objects, the code
becomes more light-weight.
2. Creating a UI from XML instead of code makes for easier maintenance.
3. With a nice default look and simple API:s, the widgets become easy to use.
4. Unlimited open source license to avoid legal and commercial hassles.

All of the above can be argued back and forth, of course. I see #1
above as the main point with this effort, since both the others could
equally well be patched into some other widget library. And I see no
point in doing something that isn't sufficiently different from other
efforts in this area. I know lots of you just want to avoid using
another JS library for your widgets, but is that really such a big
problem? In fact, YUI is pretty configurable in that way if I recall

Which kind of resonates with my reasons for staying with MochiKit in
spite of the jQuery popularity surge (and actually using it a bit at
work from time to time). That it does things differently from other JS
libraries. For good or bad.

Anyway. These are just my ramblings on the JS widget topic. Feel free
to disagree.



On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 23:23, Ryan Wilcox <ryanwil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Per,
> If not in the standard MochiKit package, maybe in a centralized place/
> repo "blessed" by the MochiKit team as the "Widgets 4 MochiKit"
> project, for example??
> I'd be willing to contribute a few controls (a multi-select/shuffle
> take-options-from-this-select-and-put-in-that-one widget, for example.
> Available at <http://bitbucket.org/rwilcox/
> mochikit_multiselecttransfer/>).
> Usually I'll use YUI framework for the big-gun widgets, but yes a
> MochiKit widgets package would be _excellent_. It feels annoying, for
> example, when I see a widget that's just perfect for what I need,
> except it requires JQuery (and I don't want to pull in a second or
> third JS library into the mix...)
> So, +1 from me,
> _Ryan Wilcox

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